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This is actually unknown and all estimates are based solely on conjecture and very little experimental evidence for what a maximum usage would be and how to measure any given usage at any time.

The question also means different things at different times. So, more specificity would go a long way. For example, some people want to know how much of the human brain can be used at any given time

While others ask, what percent of the human brain, possible connections, and information tracts can be used total and what is the typical human percentage of those.

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9mo ago

Contrary to the popular myth, humans already use 100% of their brain. Different regions of the brain are active at different times, and the brain as a whole is constantly functioning, even during rest.

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13y ago

100% of the brain. If we only used 10% we would have the thinking power of a sheep.

Anyone who quotes the "ten percent" figure is probably correct ... regarding themselves.

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Q: Percentage of human brain usage
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