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When a cell is too big, it makes it more difficult for it to bring in proteins and protect itself from disease, not to mention that the membrane will become stretched and almost useless. When a cell is too large it will usually divide to cause the optimal situation; more surface area than volume. With more surface area and less volume the cell is easier to maintain and protect.
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1mo ago

As a cell grows, its volume increases faster than its surface area, leading to a decreased surface area-to-volume ratio. This decrease in ratio can impact nutrient exchange and waste removal, potentially affecting cell function. During cell division, a higher surface area-to-volume ratio is crucial for the exchange of materials between the newly formed cells and their environment.

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Q: Relate ratio of surface area to volume to cell growth and cell division?
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how does surface to volume relate to the size of a cell?

As the cell gets bigger, the surface to volume ratio gets smaller.

How does surface-to-volume ratio relate to the size of the cell?

As the cell gets bigger, the surface to volume ratio gets smaller.

How does surface to volume ratio relate to the size of a cell?

As the cell gets bigger, the surface to volume ratio gets smaller.

Why are volume and surface area alike?

Think of surface area as your skin and volume as all the contents inside your body. So they relate because surface area can hold volume or volume could be inside the surface area.

How does the surface are to volume ratio relate to the cell membrane?

they're cousins

What are the two limits of cell growth?

The limits of cell growth are typically determined by the availability of nutrients and growth factors in the environment, as well as the capacity of the cell to efficiently remove waste and manage cellular processes. Additionally, cell growth can be limited by physical constraints such as lack of space or excessive crowding in a tissue or culture.

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How is a cell's potential growth affected by its ration of surface area to volume?

Volume grows exponentially in relation to surface area as both expand to allow an organism to grow. As such, because it takes more mass to fill the surface area, growth slows down at larger sizes.

How does vaporization relate to evaporation and boiling.?

Vaporization occur at the boiling point and from the total volume of the liquid.Evaporation occur at any temperature but only from the surface of the liquid.

How might the surface area to volume affect the ratio affect the abilty of a cell to take in and use nutrients from its environment?

Larger surface area can be favourable to increased rated of exchange whereas greater cell volume can be unfavourabe. Being a three dimensional structure the rate in which volume grows is higher than the rate of surface area growth.

What are three purposes of Cell Division?

growth developement and repair

What is characteristic of a living organism?

Energy in, Waste out, Reproduction, Response to Environment, Growth/Repair, and has an acceptable surface area to volume ratio/