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length(meters), mass (grams), and time (seconds)

This answer is incorrect. The correct answer is as follows:

The SI system comprises seven BASE units and numerous DERIVED units which are all based on the seven base units. The seven base units are:

length: metre

mass: kilogram (not gram!)

time: second

electric current: ampere

temperature: kelvin

luminous intensity: candela

amount of substance: mole

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14y ago
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9mo ago

The International System of Units (SI) is based on seven base units: the meter for length, kilogram for mass, second for time, ampere for electric current, kelvin for temperature, mole for amount of substance, and candela for luminous intensity. These base units are used to derive other units for quantities such as area, volume, and velocity.

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7y ago

The SI System of units is based upon: ( 1 ) kilogram (kg ) for mass, ( 2 ) meter ( m ) for length,

( 3 ) Newton ( N ) for force and Celsius ( C ) and Kelvin ( K ) for temperature.

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8y ago

SI is not based in units of anything. The SI system is a set of basic units.

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14y ago

metric units, which are based on 10

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8y ago

SI is a rational metric system.

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12y ago

SI based on

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SI unitsare based on what number?

the SI is a systenm based on the number ten.

What number is based on the SI system?

10. SI units are based on the decimal system. For many purposes they can be seen as based on a system of 1000.

What multiples is SI based off?

It is based on multiples of 10.

What is the Si units based of?

Kelvin The SI base unit of temperature is the kelvin.

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What is SI based?

Powers of ten

What measurement is the si system based on?

The SI system is based on multiples (and divisions) of ten. There are seven base units, all others are derived from these.

WHAT is the SI system based on?

multiples of ten.

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What are SI Units and what does the SI stand for?

si units are based on the metric system system international (French) international system (English)

The SI unit for mass is the what?

The SI unit of mass is the kilogram. However the prefixes are based on the gram.