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3.125 x 10 ^ 13

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To calculate the frequency of radiation with a wavelength of 9.6 μm, you can use the equation v = c/λ, where v is the frequency, c is the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8 m/s), and λ is the wavelength in meters. First, convert 9.6 μm to meters (1 μm = 1 x 10^-6 m), then plug the values into the equation to find the frequency in s^-1. The frequency corresponding to a wavelength of 9.6 μm is approximately 3.125 x 10^13 s^-1.

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Q: The C-O bond absorbs radiation of wavelength 9.6um. What frequency in s-1 corresponds to that wavelength?
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How much radiation does the atmosphere absorb?

The Earth's atmosphere absorbs different amounts of radiation depending on the wavelength. It absorbs most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation and some infrared radiation, helping to regulate the Earth's temperature. Overall, the atmosphere acts as a protective shield, allowing only a small portion of harmful radiation to reach the Earth's surface.

What is a perfect absorber or emitter of radiation called?

A perfect absorber or emitter of radiation is called a blackbody. It absorbs all incident radiation regardless of wavelength or direction, and emits radiation at the maximum possible level for a given temperature.

If the gamma rays and X-rays have the same frequency what will the electron have?

If the gamma rays and X-rays have the same frequency, the electron will have the same energy regardless of which type of radiation is interacting with it. The energy of the electron is determined by the frequency of the radiation it absorbs, not the type of radiation.

What wavelengths of radiation from the sun does the upper atmosphere absorb?

The upper atmosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This absorption occurs mainly in the ozone layer, which absorbs UVB and UVC wavelengths. Absorption of these wavelengths protects life on Earth from the damaging effects of excessive UV radiation.

How is sunlight composed of energy that is visble to humans and energy that is not visble to humans?

It has different wavelengths

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When matter absorbs a photon what is the relationship between the energy of the matter before and after the absorpion and the frequency and the wavelength of the radiation absorbed?

When matter absorbs a photon, the energy of the matter increases by an amount equal to the energy of the absorbed photon. The frequency and wavelength of the absorbed radiation depend on the energy of the photon and are inversely related - higher energy photons have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths.

Why is the wavelength 275 nm used to measure absorbance of caffeine?

The wavelength of 275 nm is used to measure absorbance of caffeine because it corresponds to the maximum absorbance peak for caffeine. By using a wavelength where caffeine absorbs strongly, we can accurately measure its concentration in a sample based on the amount of light absorbed at 275 nm.

How much radiation does the atmosphere absorb?

The Earth's atmosphere absorbs different amounts of radiation depending on the wavelength. It absorbs most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation and some infrared radiation, helping to regulate the Earth's temperature. Overall, the atmosphere acts as a protective shield, allowing only a small portion of harmful radiation to reach the Earth's surface.

What is a perfect absorber or emitter of radiation called?

A perfect absorber or emitter of radiation is called a blackbody. It absorbs all incident radiation regardless of wavelength or direction, and emits radiation at the maximum possible level for a given temperature.

What is color absorption?

Absorption spectroscopy refers to spectroscopic techniques that measure the absorption of radiation, as a function of frequency or wavelength, due to its interaction with a sample. The sample absorbs energy, i.e., photons, from the radiating field. The intensity of the absorption varies as a function of frequency, and this variation is the absorption spectrum. Absorption spectroscopy is performed across the electromagnetic spectrum.

Why does the Earth emit longer wave radiation than the Sun?

The Earth emits longer wavelength infrared radiation because it absorbs sunlight and re-radiates it as heat. The Sun, on the other hand, emits shorter wavelength radiation in the form of visible light because it is much hotter than the Earth.

What is the relationship between reflection absorption and color?

The color of an object is the frequency/wavelength of the light it reflects. The light it reflects is the light it receives minus the light it absorbs.

Which substance present in the atmosphere is responsible for the absorption of solar radiation with a wavelength less than 242 nm?

Ozone is the substance present in the atmosphere that absorbs solar radiation with a wavelength less than 242 nm. This absorption helps protect living organisms from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

How does the wavelength of maximum absorbance relate to the color of a substance?

The wavelength of maximum absorbance corresponds to the color of a substance because it denotes the specific wavelength of light that the substance absorbs most strongly. This wavelength is complementary to the color that the substance appears, meaning that if a substance absorbs light most strongly at a certain wavelength (such as red light), it will appear as the complementary color (in this case, green).

A sound wave that has a higher frequency has a wavelength that is shorter or longer?

A wave with a high frequency has a low wavelength. Wavelength lambda and frequency f are connected by the speed cof the medium. c can be air = 343 m/s at 20 degrees celsius or water at 0 dgrees = 1450 m/s. c can be light waves or electromagnetic waves = 299 792 458 m/s. The formulas are: c = lambda x f f = c / lambda lambda = c / f

Why molecular fluoroscene often occurs at a longer wavelength than exciting radiation?

Molecular fluoroscene often occurs at a longer wavelength than the exciting radiation due to energy loss during the fluorescence process. When a fluorophore absorbs energy and transitions to an excited state, it releases this energy as fluorescence emission, typically at a longer wavelength than the excitation wavelength. This phenomenon is known as the Stokes shift.

What wavelengths of radiation from the sun does the upper atmosphere absorb?

The upper atmosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This absorption occurs mainly in the ozone layer, which absorbs UVB and UVC wavelengths. Absorption of these wavelengths protects life on Earth from the damaging effects of excessive UV radiation.