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Increasing atomic number.

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The Modern Periodic Law states that there will be a periodic repetition of properties when the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic number.

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Q: The Modern Periodic Law states that there will be a periodic repetition of properties when the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic what?
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The Modern Periodic Law states that there will be a periodic repetition of properties when the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic .?


When the elements are arranged by increasing atomic number their will be periodic repetition of their properties?

Modern Periodic Law.

When the elements are arranged by increasing atomic number there will be a periodic repetition of their propertiesWhich theory is identified by this statement?

This statement is a fundamental principle of the periodic law, proposed by Dmitri Mendeleev. The periodic law states that when elements are arranged by increasing atomic number, there will be a periodic repetition of their properties.

When the elements are arranged by increasing atomic number there will be a periodic repetition of their prop?

erties, known as the periodic law. This arrangement is known as the periodic table, where elements with similar properties are placed in the same column. The periodic table helps to predict an element's properties based on its position.

When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number there is a periodic repetition of their chemical and physical properties is a statement of the?

This statement is a simplified explanation of the periodic law, which states that the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. This periodicity is observed in the arrangement of elements in the periodic table, where elements with similar properties appear in the same column (group) due to their similar electron configurations.

How is periodic table organzied?

according to increasing atomic number and repeating periodic properties.

Who arranged the elements in the periodic table according to increasing weight?

Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with arranging the elements in the periodic table according to increasing weight. He also left gaps for undiscovered elements and predicted their properties, leading to the development of the modern periodic table.

How is mendeleev's table arranged?

Mendeleev's table was also based upon his Periodic Law, which stated that when elements are arranged by increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of similar chemical and physical properties.

What is it called when a repetition of properties occurs when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number?

The repetition of properties when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number is called periodicity or periodic law. This organization of elements into periods and groups on the periodic table allows for the prediction of an element's properties based on its position.

What is a moden periodic table according to?

In the modern periodic table, the elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic number and repeating properties.

Mendeleev's periodic table is arranged how?

Mendeleev's periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic mass, with elements placed in rows and columns based on their chemical properties. Gaps were left for undiscovered elements, and elements with similar properties were placed in the same column.

How did mendeleev arrange his version of the periodic table?

Mendeleev arranged his version of the Periodic Table in terms of ascending atomic weights and similar properties. Since it was first published in 1869, there have been updates and improvements.