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If the age of the universe is equivalent to 1 day, which is 86,400 seconds, then the proportion of mankind's age to the age of the universe is 106 years to 1010 years. Therefore, multiplying 86,400 seconds by 106/1010 will give you the number of seconds mankind would have existed, which is approximately 9,072 seconds.

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Q: The age of universe is 1010 years and the age of mankind is 106 years For how many seconds would the mankind have existed if the age of universe was 1 day?
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How is it possible that the universe could have existed for an infinite amount of time in the same state if galaxies are continuously receding from each other?

The universe has not existed in the same state for an infinite amount of time, that would be the steady state theory, which has been replaced by the big bang theory. The galaxies are moving away from each other because the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. It has been expanding since the big bang happened 13.7 billion years ago.

What are different ways of when the universe was created?

The universe was created through the Big Bang theory, which suggests it originated from a singular point and has been expanding ever since. Other beliefs include creationism, where a divine being is responsible for the creation of the universe, and the steady state theory, which proposes that the universe has always existed and will continue to do so.

Is gas ratio involved with the big bang theory?

No. After the Big Bang, our best estimates is that the universe was about 90% hydrogen, 9% helium, and a fraction of a percent lithium. No heavier elements existed, and would not until they were created in the supernoval explosions of the first-generation stars.

If all galaxies began to show blue shifts what would this change indicate about the fate of the univerese?

If all galaxies began to show blue shifts, it would indicate that the universe is contracting. This could suggest that the universe might eventually end in a "Big Crunch" scenario, where all matter collapses in on itself.

How can Earth be located at the center of the observable universe if you accept the cosmological principle?

The cosmological principle states that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales. This means that on average, the universe looks the same in all directions. The observable universe is defined by the extent to which light has had time to reach us since the Big Bang, rather than a physical center. Earth is not at the center of the universe; rather, all observers in the universe would see themselves as being at the center of their observable universe due to the isotropy of the cosmos.

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I would say around 8 billion years. Earth has been around for 5 billion years, and the universe has existed for only 13 billion. In other words, A LONG< LONG< time The universe has existed for 14 billion years. God!!

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It would be hard for the anything to exist without mathematics. Mathematics is involved in a wide range of areas that make the universe and all we know what they are.

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mankind is an amazing worth of this world. without mankind where would we be?

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There are a lot of stars in the universe. Our Galaxy alone is thought to contain 400 billion stars. If you can count 2 stars a second continuously without sleep it would take 200 billion seconds or 6337 years 225 days 13 hours 33 minutes and 20 seconds.Add to that the fact that there is thought to be about 400 billion galaxies in our universe. Our Galaxy is large by galaxy standards but let us assume that the average number of stars in any given galaxy is 100 billion. So at 2 a second it would take 633.7 trillion years or to put it into perspective 46,154.4 times longer than the universe has thought to existed.

How is it possible that the universe could have existed for an infinite amount of time in the same state if galaxies are continuously receding from each other?

The universe has not existed in the same state for an infinite amount of time, that would be the steady state theory, which has been replaced by the big bang theory. The galaxies are moving away from each other because the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. It has been expanding since the big bang happened 13.7 billion years ago.

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If Antarctica never existed, then it never would have existed.

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What are different ways of when the universe was created?

The universe was created through the Big Bang theory, which suggests it originated from a singular point and has been expanding ever since. Other beliefs include creationism, where a divine being is responsible for the creation of the universe, and the steady state theory, which proposes that the universe has always existed and will continue to do so.

Is God an ET?

According to most religions God is independent of this universe (he existed before the universe and he created the universe). Many religions consider God to be omnipresent, so he is everywhere (including on earth, so he did not come here from outer space) at all times. So most religions would probably say that God is not an ET.

What would happen if crude oil ran out?

The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.The we (i.e., mankind) would have to use some other source of energy.