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The biggest desert in the world is Antarctica and the longest river is the Nile in Africa. The Sahara, the world's largest hot desert is also in Africa.

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The largest desert is the Sahara Desert, which is located in North Africa. The longest river is the Nile River, also located in North Africa.

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Q: The largest desert and the longest river in the world are found here?
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What is the largest desert and the longest river in the world?

Geographers classify rivers by several ways. The ways that pertain to the question can be described in two ways. A river that carries the most water can be classified as the "largest" river. In this case, the Amazon River is the greatest one in the world. Geographers also classify rivers by length. In this case, the Nile River is the longest at about 4,000 miles in length.

What is the largest river in the Caribbean?

The largest river in the Caribbean is the Orinoco River, which flows through Venezuela. It is approximately 1,330 miles long and is one of the longest rivers in South America.

How long is the largest river in Asia?

The longest river in Asia is the Yangtze River, which is approximately 6,300 kilometers (3,917 miles) long. It flows through several countries, including China.

What are some key geographic features of Ireland?

Some key geographic features of Ireland include its rugged coastline, with cliffs and sea stacks, its many lakes and rivers, and its low-lying central plains. The island is also known for its rolling green hills and mountains, with the highest peak being Carrauntoohil in County Kerry.

WHAT IS THE biggest river in world?

The biggest river in the world is Nile in Africa wich is 7,088 km long, while the Amazon river is the second of 6436 kilometers long.South America's Amazon River is the world'slargest because it carries more water to the sea than any other river.There is only one 'biggest' river. However you need to define what you mean by biggest. It could mean the longest or, as stated above, the one with the largest volume of water.River Nile is the longest river . It is 6,695 km long and 4,160 miles long .The Amazon has the most volume of water but the Nile in Egypt is longer.YesEDIT: It is accepted as the longest but the amazon is the biggest in water volumeIt's the longest, but the Amazon is the biggest by outflow.The river Nile is the longest river in the world, but the Amazon River in South America is the biggest by water volume.It is the NILE RIVER

Related questions

Which continent has the world's longest river and largest hot desert?

Africa is the continent with the world's longest river, the Nile River, and the largest hot desert, the Sahara Desert.

Africa has the world's largest desert and the world's longest river what are they?

The largest desert in the world is Antarctica and the Sahara in Africa is the second largest. The Nile River in Africa is the longest river.

What is the largest desert and the longest river in the world?

Geographers classify rivers by several ways. The ways that pertain to the question can be described in two ways. A river that carries the most water can be classified as the "largest" river. In this case, the Amazon River is the greatest one in the world. Geographers also classify rivers by length. In this case, the Nile River is the longest at about 4,000 miles in length.

What continent has the worlds largest river and desert?

Egypt has the worlds longest river, the Nile. It also contains part of the Sahara Desert, the world largest desert.

Where continent has the world's longest river and largest hot desert and what is it?

Africa is home to the world's longest river and the world's largest hot desert. The world's longest river is the Nile at 6,693 km. The world's largest hot desert is the Sahara at 9.65 million sq km.

What world records under largest does Africa have?

Africa has the longest river, the Nile, and the largest hot desert, the Sahara.

What are some African facts?

-the longest river in the world is located in africa. -the largest desert is located in africa.

What continent has the world's biggest desert and longest river?

Africa has the world's biggest desert, the Sahara Desert, and the longest river, the Nile River.

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ganga basin is longest river basin in india thar desert is the largest deset in india

Which continent has longest river and hottest desert?

Africa has the Nile River and the Sahara Desert.

Which is the largest river in South Africa?

The Nile is not the longest river in South Africa, but the longest in the world. The second largest river in Africa is the Congo.

What is the longest river in Sahara desert?
