When cone cells add up red and green light, they perceive yellow light. This is because red light and green light stimulate different cone cells in the retina, which the brain interprets as yellow.
Volvox is a genus of green algae that form colonies shaped like hollow balls and live in fresh water. Each colony consists of hundreds or thousands of individual cells that work together for functions like reproduction and movement.
The cells in the green alga Volvox are specialized, with each cell performing a specific function such as reproduction, movement, or photosynthesis. These cells work together in a coordinated manner to enable the colony to survive and reproduce.
I think you mean plant cells right? Well the green organelles in plant cells are called chloroplast, and they are green because the chloroplast has a green photosynthetic pigment called chlorophyll.
The little green T-shaped structures seen during mitosis are called microtubules. They are part of the cell's cytoskeleton and play a crucial role in separating the duplicated chromosomes into two daughter cells during cell division.
Plant cells appear green and box-shaped.
the chloroplasts with lifesaver shaped discs in them which controls photosynthesis.
the chloroplasts with lifesaver shaped discs in them which controls photosynthesis.
The tree shaped things we eat are the flowering part of the plant. The little dark green bits at the top are the undeveloped flower buds. If left on the plant they grow into little yellow flowers that produce seeds.
they are your mom
The distinguishing characteristics of the green jellyfish species include its vibrant green coloration, translucent bell-shaped body, and long tentacles with stinging cells for capturing prey.
One major point is their shape. Plant cells are hexagonal shaped. Animal cells don't have a shape. Also, plant cells have an organelle called chloroplast, inside of which is a green pigment called chlorophyll.
the cells are green
Those little green things in green beans that look like seeds - they are the immature seeds of the bean plant. So yes, they actually are seeds or beans if you rather. When you are eating green beans, you are eating the entire seed pods which contain the immature beans.
No, not all plant cells are green. Only cells containing chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis, appear green. Other plant cells, such as root cells or stem cells, may not contain chlorophyll and therefore not be green.