The metric system is the measurement system of choice for most countries around the world, including in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. It is also the preferred system for scientific and medical communities globally.
Metric measurement is measurement made using units as defined under the metric system.
Bushels are a unit of measurement in the English system, not the metric system.
Metric is an adjective and refers to a system of measurement.
The metric unit of measurement similar to an inch in the English system is the centimeter.
The highest measurement for weight in the metric system is the tonne, which is equivalent to 1000 kilograms or 1,000,000 grams.
Metric measurement is measurement made using units as defined under the metric system.
a system of measurement.
metric system
Asking a multiple choice question without providing the choices doesn't really seem fair.
Bushels are a unit of measurement in the English system, not the metric system.
It's called the metric system.
What metric unit would you use to measure a computer keyboard
The metric system is mostly a decimal system of measurement.
Metric system
Metric is an adjective and refers to a system of measurement.
Yes, the Metric System has units for the measurement of weight...
The metric system is accepted as the dominate measurement system in the world.