The Principality of the Island of Pontina claims to be the smallest state in the world. For more information check out their website:
Vatican City is the smallest state in the world both in terms of land area and population. It is an independent city-state enclaved within Rome, Italy, and serves as the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.
Vatican City, within Rome, Italy, is the smallest independent country in the world.
It's the smallest state in the United States, where states are the individual units, just as provinces are in some countries. To ask about it on the world level has no meaning. "State" can mean a subdivision of a country, or it can mean a whole country. There is no universal worldwide category of "state" into which all so-called states can be placed and compared because it has no universal meaning. In contrast, "city" has a universal meaning, and cities can be compared worldwide.
Yes, Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world in terms of land area. It is an island city-state located in Southeast Asia.
Sealand is not recognized as a sovereign state by other countries, so it is not considered the smallest country in the world. The smallest recognized country is Vatican City, with an area of about 44 hectares.
The smallest nation in the world after the Vatican City is Monaco, a city-state located on the French Riviera in Western Europe. Its size is around 2 square kilometers, making it the second smallest country in the world.
Vatican City is the smallest state in the world.
Vatican City is the world's smallest country, however it is not democratic, it is an absolute monarchy. The second smallest country, Monaco, is the smallest partial democratic state in the world, it is a constitutional monarchy (republic/monarchy). The smallest absolute democratic state in the world would be Nauru, which is the 3rd smallest country.
Vatican City (in Rome) is not only the smallest state, it's the smallest independent country.
The smallest independent state is Vatican City.
The Vatican, at only 110 acres, is the smallest independent country in the world.
Vatican City.
Vatican City is the smallest independent country in Europe. It is also the smallest country in all of Europe as well as the world.
No, Bahrain is not the smallest country in the world. The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, which is an independent city-state enclaved within Rome, Italy.
Vatican City, within Rome, Italy, is the smallest independent country in the world.
Vatican City with a total area of 0.44 square kilometers is the smallest independent country of the world.
Vatican City is smallest state in the world. It is just under 109 acres (44 hectares) in size.