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Luke Skywalker because he created the new jedi order and started he and he can move planets.

Look, yes Luke is strong but if Anakin ever reached his potential he would have been more powerful than Yoda and Sidious combined. When he was Vader he only had maybe 1/2 of his full potential. He would have been twice as powerful as the empror if he did not sustain the injuries. He has the highest amount of midi-chlorian in jedi history. If he was not so cockey when fighting Obi-Wan he would have reached his full potential as a Sith and would have been the strongest being in the galaxy. People also think Luke is stronger because he beat him as Vader, but Vader never wanted to kill Luke. He tried making him join the dark side even when they were fighting each other. Luke has less midi-chlorians because Padme eas not able to use the force. If she could and was a jedi, than Luke would be stronger than Anakin. Anakin was the chosen one. He brought balance to the force like he was supposed to and reached his full potential when he became a force ghost and he became that ghost without training by Qui-Gon like Yoda and Obi-Wan were.

If he was born in the republic instead of being a slave. Than he would have went on to become the greatest Jedi through there and never would have turned to the dark side. But, his loyalty was to 2 woman before his best friend and the order. And that was his mother and Padme.

Here is the list in my mind and from using my brain to study all aspects of it.

1. Anakin Skywalker

2. Luke Skywalker

3. Yoda

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi

5. Mace Windu

6. Qui-Gon Jinn

7. Revan

8. Exile

9. Ki-Adi-Mundi

10. Plo Koon

Strongest Sith

1. Sidious

2. Plagueis

3. Revan

4. Bane

5. Vader

6. Traya (Kreia)

The real strongest jedi and sith is the apprentice because he could beat Vader and the emperor at the same time he could beat anakin,luke all of the jedi and sith he could conquer a planet by himself in 5 days depends on what the size of the planet i don't really know if he could move planets but i know that he almost kill luke sktwalker in star wars the force unleashed 2

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13y ago
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8mo ago

There are many Jedi considered among the strongest in the Star Wars universe, including Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Mace Windu, and Anakin Skywalker. Each of them possessed powerful Force abilities and played significant roles in the Jedi Order's history.

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13y ago

Well much later in the story line Luke Skywalker whos whole purpose was to bring balance to the force through his fathers prophecy joins the darkside. Which leads me to the most powerful Jedi Anakin Solo. The child of Han Solo and princess Leia.

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15y ago

Yes that is why he was head of the Jedi Counsel.

Well, it depends what you mean. he is physically weak, as a matter of fact, relying on the force in combat to augment his strength and speed. in the matter of the force, he is fairly strong, though he does not use his force powers to their fullest extend very often, unlike, say, Starkiller from the Force Unleashed. he is very wise (having lived nearly nine-hundred years old), which may have helped to get him promoted to the position of the head of the Jedi Council. Personally, i think that the Skywalker line would have to be one of the strongest in the force, though they don't show that much in the movies. Anikin Skywalker brought down several powerful Sith, hundreds of dark jedi, and (literally) millions of imperial troops (though they became allies in about 25 a.b.y.) that seems pretty strong to me.

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12y ago

No. The strongest Sith is always the one in charge. Which would be Emperor Palpatine AKA Darth Sidious. Darth Vader would have been the strongest had he not been mutilated. He was limited by his armor as to what dark-side abilities he could learn, and Sidious used this to keep him in check

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15y ago

Possibly Darth Sidious.

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15y ago

I think the Emperer or Anakin Skywalker.

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4y ago

I have been a die-hard Star Wars geek for about 4 years, have watched every movie multiple times, have read all the novelisations in detail, read all canon comics and am decently knowledgable in EU, legends and lore(just some background info).

The most powerful jedi is Anakin Skywalker for a few reasons I will go over. Firstly, Anakin is the Chosen One and has the highest midichlorians, more so than Yoda. I know this is not a critical factor, but mididchlorians are a rough estimate to one's connection with the force. Secondly, he was made from the force by Darth Plagueis. He is literally a VERGEANCE in the force. His lightsaber skills are crazy, and he was able to defeat arguably the most skilled duelist Count Dooku. Also, in the official novelisation, it is stated that 'he is the most powerful Jedi of his age, perhaps of any age'. In EU and legends his force feats are crazy. He was able to control two of the most powerful force-users ever, the Son and the Daughter. Finally, if this means anything to you, in my personal opinion formed over ages of consideration, he is the most powerful Jedi officially in Canon.

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No. He was the best jedi master until he died.Luke then became the strongest (known) Jedi after Darth Vader died. I think out of all the movies Master Windu was the strongest because he about killed Darth Sidius. I think Yoda wouldn't have died like Windu even in the same situation. I take it back, it's a tie between Master Windu and Yoda ( sadly we didn't see much of Windu in action).

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You can't kill a Jedi. Jedi use the Force, a lightsaber, and knowledge. If you are a normal human, you would fail unless you use a sonic weapon, or a flame thrower. If you are a Force sensitive human, you may be able to get some Force in the fight, but the Jedi would still win hands down. Even a youngling could beat you. If you are/were a Jedi or Sith, you stand a good chance. If you are a Sith you stand a better chance. If you are a Sith Lord going against a Jedi padawan, or knight, you are most likely going to win (I'm sorry to say). And if you are fighting a Jedi master.... Have fun. It would most likely be equal. So, Jedi are hard to kill (thank you very much). Do not go around picking a fight with one.

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You are not a Jedi.