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Pressure = Force/Area

Pressure = 9 Newtons/0.3 m2

Pressure is 30 Pascals

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1mo ago

The pressure exerted by the book on the table can be calculated using the formula: pressure = force/area. In this case, force = 9 Newtons and area = 0.3 square meters. Therefore, the pressure exerted by the book on the table is 30 Pascals (Pa).

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Q: There are 9 newtons on a table The book occupies an area that is 0.3 square meters What is the pressure exerted by the book on the table in pascals?
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What is the force exerted on surface divided by the area over whech the force is exerted?

The force exerted on a surface divided by the area over which the force is exerted gives the pressure acting on that surface. Pressure is defined as force per unit area and is measured in units like Pascals or pounds per square inch (PSI).

What is pressure and its units in metric system?

Pressure is the ratio of a force acting over (pressing on, or pushing against) a certain area. Pressure is measured in pascals, named after the 17th century French scientist Blaise Pascal. One pascal (Pa) is the pressure from a force of one newton(N) pressing on an area of one square metre (m2). Pa = N/m2. Five newtons acting on one square metre would be five pascals. Five newtons acting on two square metre would be two and a half pascals. Five newtons acting on five square metre would be one pascal.

What is a unit pressure?

A unit pressure is a measurement of force per unit area exerted by a substance or object on another. It is commonly expressed in units such as Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi). Understanding unit pressure is important in fields like physics, engineering, and meteorology to assess the impact or stress exerted on a surface.

What does the unit PASCALS measure?

Pascals measure pressure, which is the force applied to a specific area. It is the standard unit for expressing atmospheric pressure, blood pressure, and other forms of pressure in various systems.

The masurement of pressure is determined?

Pressure is typically measured using a device called a pressure gauge. This gauge can be mechanical, digital, or analog and is calibrated to display the force exerted by a fluid on a surface. The unit of measurement for pressure is usually pascals (Pa), atmospheres (atm), pounds per square inch (psi), or bar.

Related questions

How much force is exerted by 1000 Pascals over an area of 10 m²?

The force exerted is calculated by multiplying pressure by area. In this case, 1000 Pascals multiplied by 10 m² equals 10,000 Newtons.

How much Pascals is exerted on a board that measures 4 meters by 6 meters with a hammer using 35 Newtons of force?

The pressure exerted on the board can be calculated by dividing the force applied (35 N) by the area of the board (4m * 6m = 24 sq. m). This gives a pressure of 1.46 Pascals (N/m^2).

Force in pascals?

Force is typically measured in newtons, not pascals. However, if you are looking to calculate pressure (which relates force to area), then pressure is measured in pascals (Pa). Pressure (in pascals) is calculated by dividing force (in newtons) by the area over which the force is applied.

What force is exerted on 2.5 meters squared if the pressure is 99500 pascals?

The basic S>I> units for Pascals, is kg m s^-2 / m^2 . That is Force divided by Area. Hence Pressure(Pa) = force/ area. Algebraically rearraning Force = Pascals X Area. Hence Force = 99500 X 2.5 = 248750 kg m s^-2 ( Newtons).

What is the equivalent of 3000000 Pa in newtons?

The pressure measured in pascals means the force in newtons per area in square meters. Pascals cannot converted to newtons, because the area is missing. Pascals means pressure and newtons means force.

What equals force exerted on a surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted?

Pressure equals the force exerted on a surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted. It is typically measured in units such as pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

What is the force exterted on a surface divideed by the total area over which the force is exerted?

Pressure is defined as the force exerted on a surface divided by the total area over which the force is exerted. It is measured in units of force per unit area, such as Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

What is force in newtons divided by the area?

Force divided by area is pressure. If the force is in newtons and the area is in metres squared, the pressure will be in pascals (Pa).

In order to find the amount of pressure exerted on an object you must divide?

To find the amount of pressure exerted on an object, you must divide the force applied on the object by the area over which the force is distributed, following the formula Pressure = Force / Area. This calculation gives you the pressure in units such as Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi), depending on the units used for force and area.

How are newtons and centimeters squared related?

Pressure = force (newtons) / area (sq. cms)units are newtons per sq. cmNote: SI units for pressure are newtons / sq. metre (pascals)

What force is exerted on M squared if 99500 pascals?

The force exerted on an object can be calculated using the formula: Force = Pressure x Area. If the pressure is 99500 pascals and the area of the object M squared is given, you can multiply the pressure by the area to find the force.

What is the pressure exerted on the inside of a can if the surface area of the can is 0.2m and the force is 10N?

The pressure exerted on the inside of the can would be 50 Pa (Pascals) using the formula pressure = force / area.