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Energy in KWh = 60 x 200 = 12,000 KWh

Energy in Joules = (12000 x 10^3) / (60 x 60) = 3333.33 J (Since J=W/s)

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1mo ago

To find the total kilowatt-hours consumed, first calculate the total energy used by one bulb: 60 watts * 200 hours = 12,000 watt-hours or 12 kilowatt-hours. Then, multiply this by the number of bulbs (3) to get the total kilowatt-hours: 12 kWh * 3 = 36 kWh. The electrical energy consumed in the home is 36 kilowatt-hours.

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Q: Three 60 watt buibs were burned for 200 hours each find kilowatt hours and electrical energy consumed in certain home?
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Do geothermal stations produce carbon dioxide?

No. They are extracting existing heat from the earth, and converting that to electrical power. There are no fossil fuels burned there.

How do Calcium Pyruvate supplements increase energy?

Calcium pyruvate increases your energy by boosting your metabolism. When your metabolism is boosted, fewer of your consumed starches and sugars are stored as fat as opposed to being burned off by your body. When more starch and sugar is burned off by your metabolism, your energy increases.

What are you hearing when you shake a non-burned out light bulb?

When you shake a non-burned out light bulb, you may hear a slight rattling sound. This is usually caused by a small metal filament inside the bulb that will move and make noise when shaken.

Does the amount of magnesium ribbon burned affect how much magnesium oxide is produced?

Yes, the amount of magnesium ribbon burned does affect how much magnesium oxide is produced. More magnesium ribbon burned will result in more magnesium oxide being produced since the reaction between magnesium and oxygen is stoichiometric, meaning it requires a certain ratio of reactants to produce a set amount of product.

How does a candle disappear totally when burned?

When a candle is burned, the wax and wick are consumed by the flame, releasing heat and light energy. As the wax melts, it is converted into gases and carbon dioxide, which are released into the air. Eventually, all the wax and wick are consumed, leaving no physical remnants of the candle behind.

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It takes 3,500 calories burned (more than consumed) to lose one solid pound of weight.

Can burning a candle be reversible?

No, burning a candle is not reversible. When a candle is burned, the wax is melted and the wick is consumed, resulting in irreversible changes to the candle's structure.

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The burning of coal itself does not release electrical energy, coal is burned to drive a turbine, the turbine in turn produces electricity.

How many calories are in half a pound?

1,800 extra calories consumed (without being burned off) is equal to 1/2 pound of weight on the body.

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coal makes heat and electrical power when burned down. By: Big Country