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True! The volume increases more rapidly than the surface area.

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4w ago

True. As a cell grows in size, its volume increases faster than its surface area. This is because volume increases cubically with the size of the cell (length x width x height), while surface area increases squared with the size of the cell (length x width). This can lead to issues with nutrient exchange and waste removal if the cell becomes too large.

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9y ago

duuhhhhhh !!!

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Q: True or flase as a cell grows in size its volume increases much more rapidly than its surface area?
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True or flase Plasma is 45 percent of blood volume?

Could be true for some people because there is always a range when it comes to biology, people are all different. But, usually plasma makes up about 50% of blood volume for men and about 60% of blood volume for women.

Is The Canadian Shield is a highland geological feature that has almost no natural resources?

The Canadian Shield is indeed a highland geological feature comprising mostly bare rock. While there are limited natural resources in certain areas of the shield, such as minerals and forestry, it is generally characterized by its lack of fertile soil and agricultural potential.

What layer is divided into two layers?

The OSI model's data link layer is divided into two sublayers: the Logical Link Control (LLC) and the Media Access Control (MAC) layers. The LLC layer manages communication between devices on a network, while the MAC layer controls access to the physical network medium.

Magnetism and reactivity and fleorescence are three special properties used to identify minerials true or flase?

True. Magnetism, reactivity with acid, and fluorescence are special properties used in mineral identification. Magnetism refers to a mineral's attraction to a magnetic field, reactivity involves a mineral's response to acid, and fluorescence is the emission of visible light when exposed to ultraviolet light.

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The Robinson projection attempts to display the relative size and shape of landmasses more accurately than the Mercator projection by distorting both land and water areas. It minimizes distortion around the equator but exaggerates the size of areas closer to the poles.

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