Both gamma rays and radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but gamma rays are much higher frequency (shorter wavelength) than radio waves. Visible light is lower frequency than gamma and higher than radio.
Radio waves are divided into several types based on their frequency and wavelength, including AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation) used for broadcasting, microwave used in communication and radar systems, and infrared used for remote controls and thermal imaging. Each type of radio wave has specific properties that make them suitable for different applications.
No. The radio waves has got the lowest frequency, light waves has got in between frequency and the X-rays has got the highest frequency of the three types of waves.No.
Transverse and Compressional electromagetic waves Another opinion: No electromagnetic waves are compressional waves. They're all transverse. I think what the question was looking for is: -- Heat and visible light -- Radio waves and X-rays -- Ultraviolet and gamma rays etc.
Saturn emits radio waves, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet light. The radio waves are mainly due to its strong magnetic field, while the infrared and ultraviolet emissions come from its atmosphere and rings.
Radio Waves.
Three types of waves are mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, and matter waves. Mechanical waves require a medium to travel through, such as sound waves in air or water waves in the ocean. Electromagnetic waves can travel through vacuum and include light waves and radio waves. Matter waves are associated with particles at the quantum level and exhibit wave-particle duality.
Radio and gamma waves are two types of electromagneticwaves.
The two types of waves in radio waves are AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation). In gamma rays, there are no different types of waves as they are all high-energy electromagnetic waves.
No. Only of radio waves.
Radio waves have the longest wavelength among the types of electromagnetic radiation listed.
Radio waves. Information is transmitted to & from the computer to the wi-fi connection digitally, by radio waves.
Radio waves have the longest wavelength among the different types of electromagnetic radiation.
radio waves.
No difference at all. Radio waves are one of many types of electromagnetic waves.
Tablets use various types of wireless communication waves such as Wi-Fi (radio waves), Bluetooth (radio waves), and cellular (microwave) waves to connect to the internet and other devices. These waves enable tablets to send and receive data wirelessly.
Two types of waves based on wavelength are ultraviolet waves with short wavelengths and radio waves with long wavelengths. Ultraviolet waves have higher frequencies and carry more energy, while radio waves have lower frequencies and are commonly used for communication.
AM and FM are modulation types, that can probably be used for different kind of waves; but they are usually applied to radio waves. Radio waves are a kind of electromagnetic waves.
The type of wave with the lowest frequency is a radio wave. Radio waves have long wavelengths and low frequencies compared to other types of electromagnetic waves such as visible light or microwaves.