The unit used to express liquid volume is typically liters (L) or milliliters (mL). Another commonly used unit is gallons in some countries like the United States.
The official SI unit for volume is the cubic meter.Surprisingly, the liter is not the official SI unit of volume, although is is commonly accepted as such and used with metric prefixes.
A litre is a unit of volume.
Litre is a unit used to express volume
Cubic units, such as cubic centimeters (cmΒ³) or cubic inches (inΒ³), are commonly used to express the volume of smaller objects. This unit represents the amount of space occupied by the object in three dimensions.
As a number followed by a unit for volume or the cube of a unit for length.
There are many units that cannot be used to express a volume.There is something missing from your question to request the only unit.
Volume is typically expressed in cubic units such as cubic meters (mΒ³), cubic centimeters (cmΒ³), or cubic feet (ftΒ³). These units represent the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object. Volume can also be measured in liters (L) or gallons (gal), which are commonly used for measuring liquid volumes.
1 millilitre = 1 cubic decimetre
Cubic centimeters.
You would use the cubic meter (m^3) to express the volume of a textbook in SI units.
The unit used to express liquid volume is typically liters (L) or milliliters (mL). Another commonly used unit is gallons in some countries like the United States.
You need its mass, and you need its volume. Then you divide its mass by its volume and that is how you express density. The most common unit of measure I have seen is grams/liter, if you use the metric system.
The unit to express power is YOUR MOMMA
the unit used to express power is time
The official SI unit for volume is the cubic meter.Surprisingly, the liter is not the official SI unit of volume, although is is commonly accepted as such and used with metric prefixes.
Units that cannot be used to express volume include units of time (such as seconds or hours) and units of angles (such as degrees or radians). Volume is typically measured using cubic units like cubic meters or cubic inches.