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Q: What age group will be the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population?
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What is the fastest growing population group in Georgia?

For the period from 2002 to 2012 what age group was the fastest growing segment of the US population?

The fastest-growing age group in the US population from 2002 to 2012 was the 65 and older age group. This growth was primarily due to the aging of the baby boomer generation, along with increased life expectancy and lower birth rates among younger generations.

What is the fastest growing age group?

85 years and older is the fastest growing age group.

Is the over 65 population the fastest growing age group?

Yes, the over 65 population is currently the fastest growing age group due to factors such as increased life expectancy and aging baby boomers entering this demographic. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years, leading to a higher proportion of the population being in this age group.

Fastest growing minority in US?

The Hispanic population is the fastest growing minority group in the United States. This growth is driven by high birth rates and continued immigration from Latin America.

What are the fastest growing minority groups in the US?

Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the US.

What is the fastest growing group of people filing for bankruptcy?

The fastest growing group of people filing for bankruptcy are those under the age of 25.

What is the fastest growing ethnic group today in Australia?

In an announcement released on June 23, 2016, the US Census Bureau stated that the fastest growing minority group in the USA was the Asian group. Most of the new immigrants have come to the US from China. The growth in the Asian population replaced that of Hispanic immigrants.

What is the fastest growing relgion?

The Pentecostal Church is actually the fastest growing church, sucking up numerous disheartened Catholics, who are still the VAST majority of the population and as far as I know, they are still the next fastest growing, as any growth in the population is an increase for the Catholic Church.

Are Asians the fastest growing ethnic group in Canada?


What was the fastest growing ethnic group at the beginning of the twenty first century?

"Asian American were the fastest growing minority in 2000." (My history text book)

Is it true people who are retired are the fastest-growing group to bankrupt?
