The elephant, as an elephant's tusks are a part of the mouth of said elephant.
The long snouted spinner dolphin, which has as many as 252 teeth in it jaws.
the Great White Sharks with 1000 teeth
No, the woolly mammoth is not the biggest animal in the world. The blue whale holds the title for being the largest animal on Earth.
The ostrich is the largest bird in the world, but it can't fly.
because animals teeth are immune to germs
The biggest living thing in the world is the giant sequoia tree, specifically the General Sherman tree in California. It is considered the largest tree by volume, with a height of 83.8 meters and a trunk diameter of 7.7 meters.
Yes the blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
Yes the blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
The Elephant has the biggest trunk in the world
The biggest animal in the world is the blue whale. The next biggest animal only fits on the blue whale's tong
The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.
I think the biggest animal in the world is the blue whale.
The Whale
The biggest animal in the world is the blue whale, which can reach lengths of over 100 feet and weigh up to 200 tons. They are found in oceans around the world.
Yes, the Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world.
yes but it is not the biggest living organism in the world!
No, the woolly mammoth is not the biggest animal in the world. The blue whale holds the title for being the largest animal on Earth.
Blue whales.