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Q: What are 3 physical properties?
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3 physical properties of a pencil are it is sharp it is yellow and is wooden.

What is a physical properties of a material?

there are 4 main types of physical properties 1. Appearance 2. luster 3.Density 4.colour

What is the physical properties of materials?

there are 4 main types of physical properties 1. Appearance 2. luster 3.Density 4.colour

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What are five physical properties?

The 5 physical properties are: 1. Mass 2. Strength 3. Ductility 4. Conductivity 5. Temperature stability

What are the 3 physical properties of a fruit salad?

apple, bananas, pineapples

Name 3 physical properties?

Hardness, solubility, and melting point.

What are 3 intensive physical properties?

Density, melting point, and boiling point are three examples of intensive physical properties. These properties do not depend on the amount of substance present and are useful for identifying and characterizing materials.

What are physical properties of a textbook?

The physical properties of a textbook are **************************

A compound ahs physical properties that what?

a compound has physical properties that

Is altitude or density physical properties?

Both are physical properties.

What are 3 physical properties of tantalum?

It isa metalblue-grey in colourlustrous (shiny).