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Reactants are found on the left side of an equation and products are found on the right side.

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Q: What are elements and compounds on the right side of the equation called?
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What is the name given to the elements or compounds on the right side of the equation?

The elements and compounds to the right of the equations are called products.

What is the name for the compounds that appear of the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation?

The compounds that appear on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation are called products. These are the substances that are formed as a result of the chemical reaction taking place.

How are elements compounds and mixtures differ?

i can only answer the compounds and elements, because im not quite sure on the mixtures! Elements and compounds are alike because they are both pure substances but elements consist of only one atom i.e. one oxygen atom, one carbon atom. Compounds have two types of atoms like CO2 for example it has a carbon atom and two oxygen atoms Here is an equation Carbon plus oxygen equals carbon dioxide i hope this has helped a bit for you!! slight mistake sorry thats why it is CO2. lol he's right!!

What are the elements called to the right of the zigzag on the periodic table?

The elements to the right of that zigzag are called "non-metals"

Elements on the right side are?

The elements on the right side of the periodic table are called the P block elements. They are non metals. The right most elements are called noble gasses(inert gasses). These do not react with other elements.

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What is the substance shown on the right side of a chemical equation called?

The substance shown on the right side of a chemical equation is called the product. It is the result of a chemical reaction between the reactants on the left side of the equation.

Is the substance to the right of the arrow in a chemical equation called a reactant?

No, the substance to the right of the arrow in a chemical equation is called a product. Reactants are located to the left of the arrow.

What are similar elements and compounds present in commercial fertilizers and urine?

I guess there are a lot but if you think of fertilizers being called "NPK fertilizers" you're already on the right track, so a few are: common elements: N, H, P, O, K common compounds: ammonium salts, phosphate salts and probably urea as well.

In a word equation the substances on the right of the arrow is called?

The substances on the right of the arrow in a word equation are called the products. These are the substances that are formed as a result of the chemical reaction taking place.

What are the compounds on the left side of a reaction?

The compounds on the left side of a chemical reaction are the reactants. Reactants are the substances that undergo change in a chemical reaction to form products.

How do the properties of groups 3 through 12 compare with the elements left and right of the transition metals?

Elements in groups 3-12 (transition metals) typically have high melting and boiling points, form colored compounds, and exhibit variable oxidation states. Elements to the left are mainly metals with lower melting points and form white or colorless compounds. Elements to the right are nonmetals with lower melting points and tend to form gases or brittle solids.