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Q: What are fishing groups that migrated throughout Africa around 3000 B.C.?
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What is Out of Africa?

The theory that mankind began in Africa and eventually migrated around the world.

Where did the earliest human beings migrated from?

A lot of evidence supports the theory that human beings originated in central Africa, and migrated out of Africa to the east in two major magrations very roughly 100,000 and 60,000 years ago. See the link to the Genographic Project.

How many people today practice Buddhism in Africa?

Around 0.1% of the population, mostly by east Asians who have migrated to South Africa.

How long ago is it estimated that homo erectus migrated fro Africa into Europe and Asia?

Homo erectus is estimated to have migrated out of Africa into Europe and Asia around 1.8 million years ago based on archaeological and fossil evidence.

Where did hunter gatherers originate from?

Hunter-gatherer societies are believed to have originated in Africa over 200,000 years ago. As populations grew and migrated, they spread to different regions around the world, adapting to various environments and lifestyles through hunting, fishing, and foraging for food.

where is the origin of a human beings?

Africa. Early homo sapiens emerged in Africa before migrating to other continents.

What evidence tells us that homo erectus migrated to Asia and Europe?

Bones of homo erectus in these areas have been discovered.There are actually two theories of the origin of homo erectus:they originated in Africa and migrated to Eurasiathey originated in Eurasia and migrated to AfricaBones have been discovered in the Caucasus region and are believed to have been either around the same time or even earlier than those that have been found in Africa.

How old are Australian indigenous aboriginals?

The Australian aborigines migrated from Africa around 70,000 years ago, and started living in Australia about 50,000 years ago.

What are the two hypotheses that attempt to explain how humans migrated around the world?

The Out Of Africa Theory, which posits that humans migrated out of Africa and replaced, more or less, all other human species around the world. The genetic evidence is very strong here, excepting some admixture with Neanderthals.The in place theory which posits that humans evolved from the endemic populations that existed around the world. This theory is almost refuted by the evidence of haplotypes and their spread.

Did early hominids migrate from Africa to Asia?

Yes, early hominids likely migrated from Africa to Asia around 2 million years ago. Fossil evidence suggests that species such as Homo erectus moved out of Africa and spread to other regions, including Asia. This migration played a significant role in the evolution and dispersal of early hominid populations.

What continent did humans origiante from?

There are two theories: 1. Humans are believed to have originated from Africa. From here, they then migrated to Europe and Asia. 2. Three groups of humans originated around the same time: in Africa, Europe, and Australia.

What routes did the homo sapiens use to spread throughout the world?

Homo sapiens are believed to have migrated out of Africa around 60,000 years ago, likely following a coastal route along the Arabian Peninsula and into Asia. From there, they dispersed across Asia into Europe, Australia, and the Americas using various land bridges and watercraft.