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horizontal gene transfer refers to a transfer of DNA to another cell that is not its offspring. Vertical occurs when 2 organisms have sex with their penis and produce offspring, it receives genetic material from ancestors (parents)

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3w ago

Horizontal gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different species, while vertical descent with mutation involves the passing on of genetic material from parent to offspring within the same species. Horizontal gene transfer can lead to rapid acquisition of new traits, while vertical descent with mutation is a slower process that drives evolutionary changes over generations within a species. Horizontal gene transfer can introduce genetic diversity quickly, while vertical descent with mutation helps in maintaining genetic stability within a species.

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Q: What are some key differences between horizintal gene transfer gene transfer and vertical descent with mutation?
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What is the difference between lateral and vertical gene transfer?

Lateral gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different organisms of the same generation, such as through plasmids or viruses. Vertical gene transfer, on the other hand, refers to the transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring through reproduction.

When scientist transfer genes from one organism to the other it is called?

Horizontal and vertical gene transfers are the terms to account for the transfer of genes between organisms. Horizontal (HGT) or (LGT) transfer happens when non-traditional reproduction effectuates the transfer whereas vertical transfer (VGT) occurs when asexual or sexual reproduction effectuates the genetic movement from parents to offspring.

What is a description of convection in air masses?

Convection in air masses occurs when warmer air rises and cooler air sinks due to differences in temperature and density. This vertical movement creates air currents and can lead to the formation of clouds and precipitation. Convection plays a key role in the transfer of heat and moisture within the atmosphere.

What is the main function of lifters in a motor?

The main function of lifters in a motor is to transfer the motion of the camshaft into vertical motion to actuate the valves. This vertical motion allows the valves to open and close at the appropriate times to let air and fuel into the engine and exhaust gases out.

HOW does composition layering occur in igneous bodies?

A layered intrusion is a large sill-like body of igneous rock which exhibits vertical layering or differences in composition and texture.

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Convection currents are vertical circular movements of fluids that transfer energy due to changes in density.

What is the difference between horizontal gene transfer and vertical gene transfer?

Horizontal gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different organisms, such as bacteria exchanging genes through processes like transformation, transduction, or conjugation. Vertical gene transfer refers to the transmission of genes from parents to offspring, typically through sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms.

What is the difference between lateral and vertical gene transfer?

Lateral gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different organisms of the same generation, such as through plasmids or viruses. Vertical gene transfer, on the other hand, refers to the transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring through reproduction.

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Vertical elevation differences in local landscapes are referred to as "topography". Topography is the study of the shape and features of the land surface, including its relief, elevation, and landforms.

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When scientist transfer genes from one organism to the other it is called?

Horizontal and vertical gene transfers are the terms to account for the transfer of genes between organisms. Horizontal (HGT) or (LGT) transfer happens when non-traditional reproduction effectuates the transfer whereas vertical transfer (VGT) occurs when asexual or sexual reproduction effectuates the genetic movement from parents to offspring.

What is the vertical movement of air called?

The vertical movement of air is called convection. This process involves the transfer of heat through the movement of air or fluid particles.