The question appears to be based on a complete lack of understanding of the lines of latitude.
From North to South, the regions are as follows:
90 N to 66.5 N : Northern Polar Zone.
66.5 N to 23.5 N : Northern Temperate Zone.
23.5 N to 23.5 S : Tropical Zone.
23.5 S to 66.5 S : Southern Temperate Zone.
66.5 N to 90 N : Southern Polar Zone.
These zones are defined by 6 latitudes, not five. Also, 90 N and 90 S are not lines: they are points. Furthermore, the equator does not play a role in defining zones.
Lines of latitude do not have names within the conventional system of measuring latitude using degrees. Lines of latitude are commonly referred to by the numerical value of their angle from the equator, such as the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N) and the Antarctic Circle (66.5°S), but they are not formally named like lines of longitude.
The subfields focus more on traditional breakdowns between areas of study (such as science and history).
A five-pointed star is commonly referred to as a "pentagram." It is a geometric shape with five straight lines connecting to form a star with five points.
The five general areas of sensation are vision (sight), audition (hearing), olfaction (smell), gustation (taste), and somatosensation (touch).
The first lines of the Broadway musical Rent are: "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear."
five lines of history of desktop
A limerick is made up of five lines. Lines 1, 2 and 5 should have between seven and ten syllables and rhyme with each other. Lines 3 and 4 should have between five and seven syllables and rhyme with each other.
Do you really need five lines when this really fits.
Identify five areas of cultural diversity
A measure is the space between 2 bar lines in music.
A star is a shape with five or more points, while a pentagram specifically refers to a five-pointed star with lines connecting the points.
Lines of latitude do not have names within the conventional system of measuring latitude using degrees. Lines of latitude are commonly referred to by the numerical value of their angle from the equator, such as the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N) and the Antarctic Circle (66.5°S), but they are not formally named like lines of longitude.
A monchielle poem typically consists of five lines.
A staff is a set of five parallel lines and the spaces between them, on which notes are written to indicate their pitch.
The subfields focus more on traditional breakdowns between areas of study (such as science and history).
A limerick typically has five lines. The rhyme scheme is AABBA, with lines one, two, and five being longer and lines three and four shorter.
A limerick typically consists of five lines of verse. The rhyme scheme is usually AABBA, with the first, second, and fifth lines having larger number of syllables than the third and fourth lines.