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Q: What are the numbers of molecules of oxygen produced along with one molecule of sugar in photosynthesis?
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Why are there not exactly twice the numbers of atoms in a maltose molecule as there are in two glucose molecules?

Because it's produced by a condensation reaction, meaning one molecule of water is "subtracted" from the total.

How many molecules of carbon dioxide are used up by the plant in producing each molecule of oxygen?

For each molecule of oxygen produced during photosynthesis, a plant uses up one molecule of carbon dioxide. This process takes place during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide is converted into glucose and oxygen using the energy from sunlight.

What cycle produces the most NADH?

The citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) produces the most NADH in cellular respiration. For each glucose molecule that enters glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, a total of 10 NADH molecules are produced.

What do the numbers tell you in a formula?

Subscripts give you the number of molecules in that compound. (For example, H2O contains one molecule of Hydrogen.) Superscripts give you a charge.Read more: If_a_formula_for_compound_what_do_the_numbers_tell_you

What is the maximum amount of ATP produced from a single molecule of glucose that is fermented?

Theoretically NADH produces a maximum of 3 ATPs and FADH2 produces a maximum of 2 ATPs. However in reality the numbers are closer to 2.5 and 1.5 respectively due to protons leaking across the inner membrane.

Can a formula be a molecule and a compound?

No, a formula cannot be a molecule or a compound. A formula represents the composition of a molecule or a compound in terms of the types and numbers of atoms present. Molecules and compounds are different entities with distinct properties and characteristics.

Which organelles would be present in large numbers in cells that carry out photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts would be found in large numbers in green plants as that is where photosynthesis takes place.

How are numbers and letters of alphabets produced?

The different alphabets of the world, are produced by the people who use them. Numbers are produced by those same people. Numbers are also used in languages that do not have alphabets.

What does the subscript indicate in the chemical formula?

The number of atoms of that element in the molecule

How do you find the number of protons and electrons of a molecule?

To find the number of protons in a molecule, you sum the atomic numbers for each element present in the molecule. Each proton has a positive charge equal to its atomic number. For neutral molecules, the number of protons also equals the number of electrons, as atoms are electrically neutral with equal numbers of protons and electrons.

Is formulae used to describe molecules or to name compounds?

Formulas are used to describe molecules by indicating the types and numbers of atoms present. Naming compounds involves giving them a systematically derived name based on their chemical composition.

Which is smaller an element or a molecule?

An atom of an element is usually smaller than a molecule of a compound. Molecules are made by bonding 2 or more atoms, of one or more elements. The molecule is the smallest particle of a compound.