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These are independent events, so the probability of both of them happening would be the probability of one multiplied by the probability of the other. According to insurance odds, the probability of an average golfer getting a hole in one in any given round is 1/3,125. The probability of being struck by lightning is 1/576,000. Thus the probability of both of these things happening is 1/(3,125 x 576,000) = 1/1,800,000,000 or one in 1.8 billion.

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2w ago

The odds of being struck by lightning are about 1 in 15,300 in a given lifetime. The odds of hitting a hole in one in Golf are approximately 1 in 12,500 for an amateur golfer. To calculate the combined odds of both events happening simultaneously, you would multiply the individual odds together, resulting in a very rare occurrence.

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Q: What are the odds of being both stuck by lightning and hitting a hole in one in golf?
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