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Q: What area of the frontal lobe that directs muscles movement through efferent neurons?
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What is example of efferent nerves?

The somatic nervous system contains efferent nerves, such as the motor neurons that control voluntary movement of muscles. For example, the efferent nerves that innervate the skeletal muscles in your arms to produce movement when you reach for something are part of the somatic efferent nerves.

What is efferent give example?

Efferent refers to nerves that carry signals away from the central nervous system to the body parts, such as motor neurons that control muscle movement. An example of an efferent nerve is the sciatic nerve, which carries signals from the spinal cord to the leg muscles for movement.

What part of the brain controls directs motor activities?

The primary motor cortex, located in the frontal lobe of the brain, is responsible for controlling and directing motor activities in the body. It sends signals to the muscles to initiate movement and coordinates the execution of voluntary movements.

Are efferent nerve fibers described as motor nerve fibers?

Yes, efferent nerve fibers are often described as motor nerve fibers. Efferent nerves carry signals away from the central nervous system to muscles and glands, controlling movement and bodily functions.

What is the tissue that directs how and when muscles move?

The nervous system, specifically the brain and spinal cord, directs how and when muscles move through the transmission of electrical signals called nerve impulses. These impulses travel along motor neurons from the central nervous system to the muscles, triggering muscle contraction and movement.

Related questions

What is example of efferent nerves?

The somatic nervous system contains efferent nerves, such as the motor neurons that control voluntary movement of muscles. For example, the efferent nerves that innervate the skeletal muscles in your arms to produce movement when you reach for something are part of the somatic efferent nerves.

What is efferent give example?

Efferent refers to nerves that carry signals away from the central nervous system to the body parts, such as motor neurons that control muscle movement. An example of an efferent nerve is the sciatic nerve, which carries signals from the spinal cord to the leg muscles for movement.

What part of the brain controls directs motor activities?

The primary motor cortex, located in the frontal lobe of the brain, is responsible for controlling and directing motor activities in the body. It sends signals to the muscles to initiate movement and coordinates the execution of voluntary movements.

Are efferent nerve fibers described as motor nerve fibers?

Yes, efferent nerve fibers are often described as motor nerve fibers. Efferent nerves carry signals away from the central nervous system to muscles and glands, controlling movement and bodily functions.

What is the tissue that directs how and when muscles move?

The nervous system, specifically the brain and spinal cord, directs how and when muscles move through the transmission of electrical signals called nerve impulses. These impulses travel along motor neurons from the central nervous system to the muscles, triggering muscle contraction and movement.

What Efferent nerves carry impulses primarily to the muscles and what?


Is the efferent neuron the primary function connecting other neurons?

Efferent neurons are responsible for carrying signals away from the central nervous system to muscles or glands. They are involved in transmitting motor commands from the brain to the muscles to produce movement, rather than acting as the primary connector between other neurons.

What neuron conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscles or glands?

Motor neuron conducts impulses away from the central nervous system to muscles or glands, resulting in movement or secretion.

What is efferent nerves?

Efferent nerves carry signals from the central nervous system to muscles and glands, enabling motor functions. They are responsible for transmitting commands for movement and secretion of hormones or other substances in the body.

What division carries motor commands to muscles and glands?

efferent division

What muscles produce wrinkles in your forehead?

the frontal belly of the epicranius

What does benchpressing work?

It works the pectoral muscles the frontal deltoid muscles and also the triceps.