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Q: What describes the growth curve of the rabbit population now that the foxes have arrived?
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Related questions

How will the decrease in the snake population affect the rabbit population?

Since snakes are natural predators of rabbits, a decrease in the snake population could lead to an increase in the rabbit population. With fewer snakes preying on them, rabbits may experience less predation pressure, leading to a potential population growth. However, other factors such as food availability and disease can also affect rabbit populations.

What is the rabbit population in Australia?

The rabbit population in Australia is in the low thousands. Authorities in Australia are working to reduce this population as best they can.

Jeff is conducting a science experiment with a 3 rabbit population every month the rabbit population doubles how many rabbits will he have after 5 months?

If Jeff is conducting a science experiment with a 3 rabbit population and the rabbit population doubles every month, Jeff will have 56 rabbits. That's a lot of rabbits.

What impact will an increase in mouse food have on the mouse and rabbit populations?

rabbit population will decrease while the mice population will increase

What is the population name of rabbit?


Which measurement best describes the mass of a rabbit?

2 meters

During what season does the rabbit population increase most rapidly?

Rabbits tend to breed most rapidly during the spring season. This is when the weather starts to warm up and food is more abundant, creating optimal conditions for breeding and growth of rabbit populations.

Which relationship best describes interactions between lettuce and a a rabbit?

i would not prefer to give a rabbit lettuce.i did once and my rabbit died 2 days later.carrots or apples is what i prefer for you.

A rabbit eats clover in a field the same rabbit is later eaten by a hawk what terms describes the rabbit in this food chain?

The rabbit is a primary consumer in the food chain when it eats clover, and later becomes prey as the hawk consumes it, making it a secondary consumer in this predation relationship.

A rabbit eats clover in a field The same rabbit is later eaten by a hawk what terms describes the hawk in this food chain?

Secondary consumer

After a rabbit population reaches the carrying capacity of its habitat the population of rabbits will most likely?

stabilize or decline due to limited resources like food, water, and shelter. This can lead to increased competition, disease spread, or predation, causing the population to resist further growth.

How do you think a period of cold spring will affect the rabbit population?

The rabbit population will be reduced if there is a cold spring, because the rabbits won't be as active, and the food supply will be reduced. However, the activity of predators will also be reduced; so this factor will mitigate the reduction in the rabbit population somewhat.