This question cannot be answered sensibly. A gallon is a measure of volume, with dimensions [L3]. A ton is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.
A simple mental exercise will demonstrate that a gallon of water and a gallon of Mercury will have very different masses.
28.125 tons of water is equal to approximately 3,750 gallons.
60 tons of water is equal to approximately 7,525 gallons.
There are many variations of measurement in the oil industry "boiler fuel" could be many things This link will give every possible conversion you are looking for
There are approximately 224 gallons of water in 1 ton. Therefore, 150 tons of water would be around 33,600 gallons.
1750 ft3 is equal to 49.55 m3.
Gallons can't be converted to tons. Gallons measure volume, while tons measure mass.
Gallons can't be converted to metric tons. Gallons measure volume, while metric tons measure mass.
1750 tons
2000 tons of rocket fuel is equal to about 530,000 American gallons. This is the amount of fuel that was aboard the Apollo - Saturn V rocket.
28.125 tons of water is equal to approximately 3,750 gallons.
60 tons of water is equal to approximately 7,525 gallons.
Metric tons can't be converted to gallons. Metric tons measure mass, while gallons measure volume.
Gallons and tons are not equal terms. Gallons being liquid and tons being mass. Different liquids have different weights, so you need to know which liquid you are looking to convert. Once you know the weight of 1 gallon of said liquid, multiply by 20,000 and then divide by 2.2034 and you will have metric tonnes..
20 tons of plain water is 4,796.2 gallons.
1750 ish
4 times what equal 1750