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It is simply that among period 2 elements, oxygen (8) is one of the elements which has the largest number of isotopes, among period 4 elements, calcium (20) has the largest number of isotopes, and among period 5 elements, tin (50) has the largest number of isotopes. In fact tin has the largest number of isotopes overall.

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Q: What do you think nuclear chemists mean when they say that 8 20 and 50 are magic numbers for isotopes?
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Who are or what is the name called alchemist?

Alchemists were the first chemists. Yet they used magic along with their chemicals.

Why are chemical equations important in chemistry?

The alchemists were the first chemists. They mixed chemicals, but also believed that magic would help them in their experiments and formulas. It didn't. But their chemical experiments eventually led to the science of chemistry.

The stability of a nucleus depends on the?

The stability of a nucleus depends on the balance between the protons and neutrons it contains, known as the neutron-to-proton ratio. Nuclei with too few or too many neutrons compared to protons are typically unstable. Other factors such as the nuclear forces binding the nucleus together and the presence of specific magic numbers of protons or neutrons also influence nuclear stability.

Factors that brought about the development of chemistry from alchemy?

The alchemists were the first chemists. They mixed chemicals, but also believed that magic would help them in their experiments and formulas. It didn't. But their chemical experiments eventually led to the science of chemistry.

What is the difference between alchemists and scientists?

Alchemists practiced a combination of spiritual and mystical beliefs along with their experimental work, aiming to transform base metals into gold or finding the elixir of life. Scientists, on the other hand, follow the scientific method to systematically gather evidence and test hypotheses in order to understand the natural world and make predictions based on empirical data. While alchemy was a precursor to modern chemistry, it lacked the rigor and empirical basis of modern scientific inquiry.

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Where are the band ' The magic numbers' from?

The Magic Numbers are from London, England.

Why magic numbers in nuclear physics are called magic?

They are considered magical because historically, when the elements at these atomic numbers were observed, they seemed to have extraordinary stability than what the usual binding energy curve showed. If you are asking about the word "magic", it was a term coined by Wigner because he found this idea of shells too amazing but true.

Who are or what is the name called alchemist?

Alchemists were the first chemists. Yet they used magic along with their chemicals.

Merits of nuclear shell models?

Nuclear shell models provide a useful framework for understanding the structure of atomic nuclei based on the organization of nucleons into energy levels, similar to electron shells in atoms. They successfully predict the magic numbers of stable nuclei and the nuclear binding energies. Additionally, shell models contribute to our understanding of nuclear properties such as spin, parity, and magnetic moments.

When was The Magic Numbers - album - created?

The Magic Numbers - album - was created on 2005-06-13.

What is the duration of Magic Numbers TV series?

The duration of Magic Numbers - TV series - is 3600.0 seconds.

When did Magic Numbers - TV series - end?

Magic Numbers - TV series - ended on 2010-08-28.

When was Magic Numbers - TV series - created?

Magic Numbers - TV series - was created on 2010-07-17.

When was The Magic Number created?

The Magic Numbers was created in 2002.

What is the difference of alchemy and chemistry?

Magic. The alchemists were the first chemists. They mixed chemicals, but also believed that magic would help them in their experiments and formulas. It didn't. But their chemical experiments eventually led to the science of chemistry.

Why are chemical equations important in chemistry?

The alchemists were the first chemists. They mixed chemicals, but also believed that magic would help them in their experiments and formulas. It didn't. But their chemical experiments eventually led to the science of chemistry.

Can you repeat numbers in magic square?
