The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict the outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment. It is used by biologists to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype.
Punnett square
A capital letter in a Punnet Square represents a dominate allele.
A Punnett square is a diagram used to predict the possible genotypes of offspring in a genetic cross. It displays all possible combinations of alleles that parents can pass on to their offspring.
The correct answer would be...... Punnet Square! =) Enjoy
A punnet square is a box of 4 sections
i believe you mean punnet square and it is used to find heredity traits
A banana is a good example of a punnet square since it has absolutely nothing to do with a punnet square.
A punnet square is a box of 4 sections
the punnet square is used for combining genes of two people or animals to predict the outcome of an offspring
the punnet square is used for combining genes of two people or animals to predict the outcome of an offspring
in your face
A capital letter in a punnet square stands for a domminant trait, or one that will most likely appear. --Stew Pidacel
A punnet square is a diagram showing the gene combination that might result from a genetic cross and it can be bigger than 2x2A diagram that is used to predict an outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment is called punnet square.
Punnet Square
A genotypic combination