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4 atoms of helium.

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The decay equation for californium-251 is (^{251}{98}\text{Cf} \rightarrow ^{247}{96}\text{Cm} + ^4_2\text{He}). This represents the spontaneous alpha decay of californium-251 to curium-247 along with the emission of an alpha particle.

What is the nuclear reaction for alpha decay of Radium-226?

Since an alpha particle is a helium-4 nucleus, the resulting atom has an atomic mass that is 4 less, so 226 minus 4. Also, to get the element, look up the element number for radium, and subtract two from that.

What is the nuclear decay equation for bismuth-213?

213Bi --> 209Tl + 4He, 213Po + e- 209Tl --> 209Pb + e- 213Po --> 209Pb + 4He 209Pb --> 209Bi + e- 209Bi --> 205Tl + 4He 205Tl, stable

What is the equation for alpha decay of Thorium?

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What is the nuclear symbol for Helium-4?

The nuclear symbol for Helium-4 is 4He, where the number 4 represents the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.

How many protons and how many neutrons in the nucleus of a helium 4 atom?

2 protons and 2 neutron

What is the isotopic notation for helium-4?

The isotopic notation for helium-4 is ^4He. This notation denotes the element's atomic number and mass number, which for helium-4 are 2 (atomic number) and 4 (mass number) respectively.

What types of isotope can be formed from helium?

3He, 4He, 5He, 6He, 7He, 8He, 9He, 10He are the known isotopes of helium whereas the most stable ones are 3He, 4He

What radioisotope would correctly complete this nuclear equation lithium-6 neutron------ helium-4?

6Li + 1n --> 7Li --> 3H + 4He Hyrogen-3 or tritium

What is the nuclear decay equation for uranium-238 to strontium-90?

The equation for the beta decay of 87Kr is: 3687Kr --> 3787Rb + -10e where -10e represents a negative beta particle or electron.

How would you represent 4 eighth notes as a fraction?

You could represent it as 4/8.

An atom of which element contains two neutrons?

Two isotopes have two neutrons: 3H and 4He.