Spain lies on zero degree longitude line together with France.
The zero degree longitudinal line is known as the Prime Meridian, and the zero degree latitudinal line is known as the Equator.
The equator is the line of zero degrees latitude.
Zero Degrees Fahrenheit is called nothing. Zero degrees Celsius is the freezing point for water and the melting point for ice, while Zero degrees Kelvin is called Absolute zero. It is the temperature of space. Now, if you mean when water hits the zero degree celcius mark, it's called the freezing point.
True. A polynomial of degree zero is defined as a polynomial where the highest degree term has a degree of zero. This means that the polynomial is a constant term, as it does not contain any variables raised to a power greater than zero. Therefore, a polynomial of degree zero is indeed a constant term.
That degree is zero.
i am not sure
The degree of a term is the sum of the powers of all the variables in the term. Remember that x = x1. So, the degree of xy3z2 is 1 + 3 + 2 = 6 The degree of xyz is 1 +1 + 1 = 3
Writing Degree Zero was created in 1953.
Zero Degree Atoll was created in 1996.
Any number bigger than, or equal to zero. (Yes, zero is included).
If with "k" you mean "Kelvin", no: the lowest possible temperature is zero Kelvin.
Zero Degree Turn ended in 2007-11.
The duration of Zero Degree Turn is 3000.0 seconds.