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tap water will evaporate the fastest

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3w ago

Fresh water evaporates faster than salt water because salt water has a lower vapor pressure due to the presence of dissolved salt. This means that fresh water molecules are more likely to escape into the air as vapor compared to salt water molecules.

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12y ago


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Q: What evaporates the fastest salt tap or fresh water?
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What evaporates the fastest fresh water or salt water?

Fresh water is evaporated faster.

What water evaporates fastest salt or fresh?

SALT will evaporate the fastes

Is water that evaporates from the ocean salty or fresh?

It's fresh water. The salt remains in the oceans as the water evaporates.

When salt water evaporates does it turn in fresh water?

Yes, it does. When the water evaporates, it can not take the salt with it, so if you left a glass of salt water out, when it is evaporated the salt will be on the glass.

Which water evapourates faster tapsalt and fresh?

It is thought that the water that evaporates the fastest is fresh, with tap and saltwater right behind it. The salt is seen as a barrier to quick evaporation, which is why it is considered slower to evaporate.

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salt water and tap water

Will fresh water or salt evaporate faster?

At the same temperature fresh water evaporates faster.

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The water cycle, when the water evaporates into the cloud it leaves the salt in the ocean then rains down and we have fresh water.

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Fresh, pure water

Which type of water evaporates the quickest salt tap fresh?

Pure water is evaporated faster.

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Sugar and salt doesn't evaporate; the water from a sugar or salt solution is evaporating !

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Only water is evaporated, not salt.