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A form of population growth in which the rate of growth is related to the number of individuals present. Increase is slow when numbers are low but rises sharply as numbers increase. If population number is plotted against time on a graph a characteristic J-shaped curve results (see graph). In animal and plant populations, such factors as overcrowding, lack of nutrients, and disease limit population increase beyond a certain point and the J-shaped exponential curve tails off giving an S-shaped (sigmoid) curve.

occurs when the growth rate of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

A population experiencing exponential growth will eventually reach its carrying capacity, which is the maximum population size that the environment can support. Once the carrying capacity is reached, the population growth rate will stabilize and either remain at that level or fluctuate around it as the resources become limited.

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12y ago

In a given period of time it will double in size/number. Like in the film gremlins. If they increase every minute and you start with 1 gremlin, then after a minute you would have 2, then 4, then 8 etc.

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12y ago

Mathematically, it just keeps getting bigger. In the real world, there are limits, such as amount of food, land, air, etc. that prevents a population from growing without bounds.

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7y ago

Whenever there's a good food supply (and not too many things killing you).

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9y ago

When there are unlimited resources

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3y ago

when there is on competition

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Q: What eventually happens to a population experiencing exponential growth?
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