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To do a proper caculation you have to know what the amperage of the gate motor is. The amperage of the load is what governs the size of the wire.

There are two ways to power a Gate opener DC OR AC. Smaller units and residential units are generally DC. Larger commercial are usually AC or use a combination of DC and AC technologies.

I will assume it is a DC operator being powered off a battery, with the solar panel maintaining the battery.

As for the solar panel the panel was probably a 5 watt not a 5 amp, as a 5 watt panel is generally the smallest panel you would want to use to supply power to a gate operator. This supplies a trickle of power at 12V which charges a 12V battery. These panels generally charge at or less than 500 milliamps.Generally #16 would be fine for such a length.

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9mo ago

For a 100-foot run on a 5-amp solar panel, you should use at least 12-gauge wire to minimize voltage drop and ensure efficient power transmission to the gate opener. Thicker wire, such as 10-gauge, is even better for longer runs. Be sure to consult the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific gate opener model you are using.

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