If a cell lost it nucleus then the cell wouldn't be able to do the right thing and peform its job correct. so that cell will mess up the others and the body would not function right.
Most cells only have one nucleus, and some are multinulceated. However there is one exception is mature red blood cells, whose nuclei are ejected before the cells enter the bloodstream. These cells are anucleate (without) cells cannot reproduce and therefore live in the bloodstream for only three to four months before they begin to deteriorate Without this nucleus they are incapable of producing mRNA to make proteins, and when its enzymes and cell structures break down (as all eventually do), they cannot be replaced.
the cell would die
The nucleus of a cell keeps the cell going because its the mainframe of a cell so it controls what happens within a cell,what the cell does and how the cell will be used.
The embryo starts multiplying cells to form a baby.
No, the nucleus in a cell is what controls cell division.
The cell nucleus in an animal cell is a membrane-bound organelle that houses the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA. It controls the cell's activities by regulating gene expression and directing cellular functions. The nucleus also contains a nucleolus, where ribosomal RNA synthesis occurs.
the cell would die
The nucleus of a cell keeps the cell going because its the mainframe of a cell so it controls what happens within a cell,what the cell does and how the cell will be used.
The embryo starts multiplying cells to form a baby.
the nucleus is a dark roundish structure found in the cytoplasm. it controls the cell and regulates everything that goes on inside....
a cell that loose the ability to :what?
No, the nucleus in a cell is what controls cell division.
The nucleus controls what happens inside the cell. Nucleus contains genetic information in its chromosomes. DNA and RNA are the nucleic acids found in the nucleus. The genetic information coded in the DNA molecules is interpreted through RNA to control the cell metabolism.The nucleus controls what happens inside the cell. Nucleus contains genetic information in its chromosomes. DNA and RNA are the nucleic acids found in the nucleus. The genetic information coded in the DNA molecules is interpreted through RNA to control the cell metabolism.
it dies
It controls everything that happens in the cell. It's also important in the cell splitting
the cell divids
The nucleus, because it controls what happens in the cell.