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If a cell lost it nucleus then the cell wouldn't be able to do the right thing and peform its job correct. so that cell will mess up the others and the body would not function right.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

A cell without a nucleus would not be able to carry out essential functions such as replicating DNA or producing necessary proteins. This would likely lead to the cell eventually dying due to its inability to maintain homeostasis and perform vital activities.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Most cells only have one nucleus, and some are multinulceated. However there is one exception is mature red blood cells, whose nuclei are ejected before the cells enter the bloodstream. These cells are anucleate (without) cells cannot reproduce and therefore live in the bloodstream for only three to four months before they begin to deteriorate Without this nucleus they are incapable of producing mRNA to make proteins, and when its enzymes and cell structures break down (as all eventually do), they cannot be replaced.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

What happens if the cell loses or ejects its nucleus is that it dies. This is because the nucleus contains mitochondria, which provides power to the cell.

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