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The velocity reaches a maximum, and the pendulum will begin to decelerate. Because the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity, and the derivative at the location of an extrema is zero, the acceleration goes to zero.

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āˆ™ 13y ago
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āˆ™ 4w ago

The acceleration of a simple pendulum is highest at the lowest point of its swing. At the lowest point, the gravitational force acting on the pendulum is at its maximum, causing the pendulum to accelerate most rapidly in the direction of the force.

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Q: What happens to the acceleration of a simple pendulum as it approaches the lowest point of its swing?
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What happen to simple pendulum at lowest point of its swing?

At the lowest point of its swing, a simple pendulum's velocity is at its maximum, and its potential energy is at its minimum. The kinetic energy is at its highest since the pendulum has the highest speed.

Where is a pendulum the fastest?

A pendulum is fastest at the lowest point of its swing, where its kinetic energy is maximum. At this point, all the potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy, resulting in the highest speed of the pendulum.

If you have a 2kg pendulum bob that is 6 meters above the ground at its high point and 1 meter at its low point how can you figure the kinetic energy?

To calculate the kinetic energy of the pendulum bob at its lowest point, you need to know its speed at that point. This can be calculated using the law of conservation of energy, where the gravitational potential energy at the highest point is converted into kinetic energy at the lowest point. Once you have the speed of the bob at the lowest point, you can calculate its kinetic energy using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the pendulum bob and v is its velocity at the lowest point.

What is the same has kinetic?

Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy, as seen in a swinging pendulum where potential energy at the highest point is converted into kinetic energy at the lowest point.

Where will you locate on a pendulum or roller coaster the greatest potential and greatest kinetic energy?

The greatest potential energy will be located at the highest point of the pendulum or roller coaster, when the object is farthest from the ground. The greatest kinetic energy will be located at the lowest point of the pendulum or roller coaster, when the object is moving fastest.

Related questions

What happens to acceleration of pendulum at its lowest point of its swing?

The acceleration of a pendulum is zero at the lowest point of its swing.

When is the period of a compound pendulum is minimum?

The period of a compound pendulum is minimum when the center of mass of the pendulum is at its lowest point (lowest potential energy) and the maximum kinetic energy occurs. This happens when the pendulum is in a vertical position.

How do you calculate speed of a pendulum?

The speed of a pendulum can be calculated using the formula: speed = (2Ļ€āˆš(L/g)), where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/sĀ²). This formula represents the speed of the pendulum at the lowest point of its swing.

When in a simple pendulum is the string tension greatest least?

The string tension is greatest at the lowest point of the pendulum swing, where the mass is at its lowest position and experiences the highest acceleration. The tension is least at the highest point of the swing, where the string is almost vertical and the force of gravity is mostly perpendicular to the string.

A swinging pendulum is moving fastest at?

A swinging pendulum is moving fastest at the lowest point of its arc. That is the point where all its potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy, and it is the only point in a pendulum's arc where that happens. See related link (a simulation).

What happens to the path of a pendulum over the course of a day?

The path of a pendulum will follow a predictable pattern as it swings back and forth due to gravity. The pendulum will oscillate in a consistent manner, swinging back and forth, eventually coming to rest at its lowest point.

When does a pendulum swing have the most momentum?

A pendulum has the most momentum at the lowest point of its swing, where it is moving fastest, due to the combined effect of its velocity and mass.

What is the definition of the period of a pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is the time it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing, from its highest point to its lowest point and back. It is influenced by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity.

What is a pendulum zero?

A pendulum zero refers to the equilibrium position of a pendulum, where it is at rest and not swinging. This position is typically at the lowest point of the pendulum's swing.

What happens to the energy in the pendulum as it swings?

As the pendulum swings, the energy continually changes between potential energy (at the highest point) and kinetic energy (at the lowest point). This energy conversion allows the pendulum to keep swinging back and forth. Some energy is also lost to air resistance and friction, causing the pendulum to eventually come to a stop.

What is an extreme point on a pendulum swing?

An extreme point on a pendulum swing is the highest or lowest point the pendulum reaches during its motion. At this point, the pendulum temporarily comes to a stop before changing direction.

What happen to simple pendulum at lowest point of its swing?

At the lowest point of its swing, a simple pendulum's velocity is at its maximum, and its potential energy is at its minimum. The kinetic energy is at its highest since the pendulum has the highest speed.