When converting °F to °C: (°F - 32) x 5/9 = °C)
This is because water freezes at 0o C and boils at 100o C which is a difference of 100o. Water freezes at 32o F and boils at 212o F which is a difference of 180o. Thus, each degree on the Fahrenheit scale is equal to 100/180 or 5/9 degrees on the Celsius scale.
So for your problem...what is 102.0 Fahrenheit in Celsius...you fill in the equation:
(102.0 - 32) X 5/9 = 38.888888888888
The answer is 38.89 °C
Note:(the 8 repeats itself)
-180 degrees Celsius is -292 degrees Fahrenheit.
To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, you can use the formula: Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9. Plugging in 77 for Fahrenheit would give you approximately 25 degrees Celsius.
3.5 degrees Celsius is equal to 38.3 degrees Fahrenheit.
98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 37 degrees Celsius.
100 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 37.8 degrees Celsius.
20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and 30 degrees Celsius is 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
-180 degrees Celsius is -292 degrees Fahrenheit.
185 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 85 degrees Celsius. To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, you can use the formula: Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8.
40 degrees Celsius = 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
840 degrees Celsius = 1,544 degrees Fahrenheit.
-18 degrees Celsius is equal to 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
140 degrees Celsius is 284 degrees Fahrenheit.
426 degrees Celsius is equal to 799 degrees Fahrenheit.
Your 102 degrees Fahrenheit is 38.888889 degrees Celsius.38.88 degrees Celsius
-70 degrees Celsius is equal to -94 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Fahrenheit equivalent of 57 degrees Celsius is 134.6 degrees Fahrenheit.