45 minutes before 6:30 PM is 5:45 PM.
46 minutes have elapsed from 9:59 PM to 10:45 PM.
Yes. On a 12 hour system midnight is 12.00pm but one minute past midnight is 12.01am and midday is 12.00am, one minute past midday is 12.01 pm so 12.45pm is 45 minutes past midday. On a 24 hour clock system 24.00 is 12 midnight (as 0.00) so 12.00 is midday, therefore 12.45 is 45 minutes past noon. BUT am and pm do not exist in the 24 hour system.
330 pm
1 hour and 15 minutes passed between 4:45 pm and 6:00 pm.
45 minutes before 6:30 PM is 5:45 PM.
46 minutes have elapsed from 9:59 PM to 10:45 PM.
00:10 (or 10 minutes past midnight).
Yes. On a 12 hour system midnight is 12.00pm but one minute past midnight is 12.01am and midday is 12.00am, one minute past midday is 12.01 pm so 12.45pm is 45 minutes past midday. On a 24 hour clock system 24.00 is 12 midnight (as 0.00) so 12.00 is midday, therefore 12.45 is 45 minutes past noon. BUT am and pm do not exist in the 24 hour system.
330 pm
From 12:15 am to 2:45 am is 2 hours and 30 minutes. From 12:15 am to 2:45 pm is 14 hours and 30 minutes. From 12:15 pm to 2:45 am is 14 hours and 30 minutes. From 12:15 pm to 2:45 pm is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
3 hours, 45 minutes
7:25 PM
1 hour and 15 minutes passed between 4:45 pm and 6:00 pm.
1 hour and 45 minutes.
6 hours, 45 minutes has passed from 10:00 PM to 4:45 AM.
110 minutes before 7 pm is 5:10 pm.