To convert 5 feet and 2 inches to meters, first convert 5 feet to meters. 1 foot is approximately 0.3048 meters, so 5 feet is 5 x 0.3048 = 1.524 meters. Next, convert 2 inches to meters. 1 inch is approximately 0.0254 meters, so 2 inches is 2 x 0.0254 = 0.0508 meters. Finally, add the two values together: 1.524 meters + 0.0508 meters = 1.5748 meters. Therefore, 5 feet and 2 inches is approximately 1.575 meters.
5 feet 2 inches = 1.57 meters
5 feet 2 inches is equivalent to approximately 1.57 meters.
5 feet 2 inches is equivalent to approximately 1.57 meters.
Just Type "5 feet 6 inches in metres" in google and u'll see what u want ;)
1 Meter = 36 inches, more or less 5 feet, 5 inches = 65 inches So, 5 feet, 5 inches is just under 2 meters, give or take a centimeter or two.
5 feet 2 inches = 1.57 meters
5 feet 2 inches = 1.5748 meters
5 feet 2 inches = 1.5748 meters
1.66 meters is about 5 feet 5.4 inches.
5 feet 2 inches is equivalent to approximately 1.57 meters.
There are 1.638 meters in 5 feet, 4 1/2 inches.
Three meters is longer as it is equal to roughly 9.8 feet. 2 yards, 5 inches is 6 feet 5 inches (as there are 3 feet in a yard)
5 feet 2 inches is equivalent to approximately 1.57 meters.
1.5748 meters.
1.5748 meters.
Just Type "5 feet 6 inches in metres" in google and u'll see what u want ;)
1 Meter = 36 inches, more or less 5 feet, 5 inches = 65 inches So, 5 feet, 5 inches is just under 2 meters, give or take a centimeter or two.