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650 millimeters

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65 millimeters is equivalent to 6.5 centimeters.

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12y ago

6.5 centimeters

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Q: What is 65 millimeters in centimeters?
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How many millimeters are in 65 cm?

65 centimeters is 650 millimeters.

How many centimeters is in 650 millimeters?

650/10 = 65 centimeters

6.5centimeters but how many millimeters?

6.5 Centimeters = 65 millimeters = .065 meters

How many centimeters make 65 millimeters?


How many millimeters are in 65centemeters?

1 centimeter is 10 millimeters, therefore 65 centimeters is 650 millimeters.

How many millimeters in 65 centimeters?

There are 10 millimetres in a centimetre. Thus, you need to multiply by 10 here. This gives you 6.5*10 i.e. 65 millimetres.

How many centimeters equal 65 millimeters?

What is the unit measure of millimeters? and What is centimeters? Here is a quick rundown of how to determine this.mono, uniOnebi, diTwotriThreequat, quadFourquint, pentaFivehex, sesSixseptSevenoctEightnonNinedecaTenhecto, centHundredkiloThousand103 = 1,000megaMillion106 = 1,000,000gigaBillion109 = 1,000,000,000teraTrillion1012 = 1,000,000,000,000petaQuadrillion1015 = 1,000,000,000,000,000exaQuintillion1018 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000deciOne Tenth10-1 = 0.1centiHundredth10-2 = 0.01milliThousandth10-3 = 0.001microMillionth10-6 = 0.000,001nanoBillionth10-9 = 0.000,000,001picoTrillionth10-12 = 0.000,000,000,001femtoQuadrillionth10-15 = 0.000,000,000,000,001attoQuintillionth10-18 = 0.000,000,000,000,000,001 this being said. You need to take 65 centimeters or .065 meters to millimeters or .0065. You would multiply by 10. Or the power of ten. so 65 centimeters equals 650 millimeters.1 centimeter = 10 millimetersAnswered by Mathew Cutshall.

How many millimeters is 65 centimeters?

650, there are 10mm in one cm.

What is 65 cm in mm?

1 cm = 10 mm → 65 cm = 65 × 10 mm = 650 mm

How many millimeters and how many meters in 665 centimeters?

665 centimeters=6650 millimeters and 665 centimeters=6.65 meters

How much millimeters is in 6.5 centimeters?

There are 10 millimeters in ome centimeter which makes 6.5 cm = 6.5 * 10 = 65 mm

How many centimeters in 22 millimeters?

22 millimeters=2.2 centimeters