

What is 6y equal 24?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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15y ago

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6y equals 24 because 6 times 4 equals 24. Whenever you see a number next to a letter that means to multiply. So if you had 5y equals 35, you can easily divide 35 by 5 and find that the answer is 7. Hope We've Helped You! 6y equals 24 because 6 times 4 equals 24. Whenever you see a number next to a letter that means to multiply. So if you had 5y equals 35, you can easily divide 35 by 5 and find that the answer is 7. Hope We've Helped You!

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1mo ago

(6y = 24) can be solved by dividing both sides by 6. This gives (y = 4), which is the solution to the equation.

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