'c' in the equation E=mc2 represents the speed of light (in a vacuum).
For more information, see Related links below.
C in the context of an atom bomb equation typically refers to the speed of light (approximately 3.00 x 10^8 m/s). This constant is crucial in the equation E=mc^2 formulated by Albert Einstein to explain the relationship between mass and energy. In the context of an atom bomb, this equation helps to calculate the immense amount of energy released during a nuclear explosion.
Atom Bomb = Uranium H-Bomb = Hydrogen
atomic bomb
The equation for the amount of energy to move an atom is given by the formula E = F × d, where E is the energy, F is the force, and d is the distance the atom moves. This equation represents the work done in moving the atom.
Yes, an atom can break or split. This is the concept behind the atom bomb.
An atom in an equaton is only the symbol of this element, not a molecule.
Atom Bomb goes by Adam Bomb.
Atom Bomb is 5' 11".
No the atom bomb is not more powerful then the H-bomb
Atom Bomb = Uranium H-Bomb = Hydrogen
The two atom bombs were the plutonium bomb and the uranium bomb.
An atom bomb is huge and massive. By Gabriel WAB
Atom Bomb - film - was created in 1964.
Haseena Atom Bomb was created in 1990.
Atom Bomb Blues was created in 2005.
Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.Splitting the atom was a great achievement. Creating an atom bomb was not such a positive outcome of that achievement.
No, it is called an atom bomb because it derives its power from splitting uranium and/or plutonium atoms.