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"Mg" is a metric unit. It's 0.001 gram.

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8mo ago

Mg is the symbol for milligram, which is a unit of mass in the metric system. One milligram is equal to one thousandth of a gram.

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What units are metric units?

Metric units include millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, and meters.

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The metric prefix milli- is used to refer to 1000 base units. So in one gram, there are one thousand milligrams.

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A scale with springs is used to measure weight. It is measured in metric units: milligram (mg), gram (g), and kilogram (kg).

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The common metric units used to report density are grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3).

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"Metric conversion" refers to the change from English units of measurement to metric units.

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For the metric (SI) system it is kilograms(kg), or grams(g), usually. Milligrams (mg) is pretty common as well. Also there is the metric ton (sometimes called tonne) which is equal to 1000 kg or 1 Mg (Megagram). Note the difference between mg and Mg! In the imperial or customary system, there are grains, ounces (several kinds), pounds, tons.

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1 mg is equal to 0.001 g. To convert milligrams to grams, divide the number of milligrams by 1000.

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Its the metric system. 1mL=1000mg milliliter, milligram

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