"bis" means bi-substituted in the way that there are two identical groups attached to a molecule. For example, if you have a bis-amide, you have a molecule that has 2 identical amides attached to it.
This is a compound, a molecule.
C.A molecule that has a symmetrical shape will be a nonpolar molecule.
Bis allylic protons are nuclei of hydrogen atoms (bonded to the same carbon atom) that are in allylic positions with respect to two different C=C double-bonds. For example, the bolded hydrogen atoms in the structure below represent bis allylic protons, since they are in an allylic position with respect to the C=C bonds on both the left and the right.R-CH=CH-CH2-CH=CH-R
A molecule.
it determines how the molecule functions
about bis big
Bis spaeter or bis bald.
Bis - magazine - was created in 2001.
Bis Saeculari was created in 1948.
BIS hallmark was created in 1999.
Nyköpings BIS was created in 1966.
Bis - band - was created in 1994.
I Love Bis was created in 2001.
The German translation for "see you later" is "bis später".
No, but you can have sexual relationship with a thing called bis a bis
Hippolyte Bis has written: 'Attila'
"Was machst du bis" = What are you doing until. For example "Was machst du bis Mittag" = What are you doing until midday.