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it is a low tide

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9mo ago

A land tide refers to the rising and falling of the earth's surface due to the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. This phenomenon is similar to ocean tides but occurs on land, causing the ground to move up and down cyclically. Land tides are more subtle and less noticeable compared to ocean tides.

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What is tide that's flows toward the sea?

When the sea is retreating from the land, it is an ebb tide. When the sea is coming in, it is a flood tide.

Movement of tides away from land?

Moving away from land is called an ebb tide.

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The land can raise tide

How much land does the southern hemisphere?

18,955,221 sq miles (when the tide's out)

The area on land that is covered at high tide but not at low?

intertidal zone

When does a flood tide occur?

'Flood tide' is the expression used for the incoming, or rising tide. The opposite is 'Ebb tide' when it goes back out again. You would have to refer to the tide tables, for the day, in your area of interest. Flood tide is the time between low tide and the next high tide.

The area on land that is covered at high tide but not at low is called what?

The intertidal zone.

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How many is land in Philippines?

problaly if you are refering to the ratio of land to water well it is composed of about 99.38% land and .62% of water. Philippines is approximately 300,000 KM2 of land area. source: Wikipedia

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Land hermit crabs don't, they put them on damp sand at low tide, when the tide rises it carries the eggs away.

What is a incoming tide?

An incoming tide refers to the period when the water level is rising towards the shore due to gravitational forces from the moon. It is typically associated with higher water levels and can create strong currents in coastal areas.

What forms the boundary between land and the ocean?

The high and low tide lines along the shore.