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An equivalent martingale measure for S is a probability measure Q equivalent to P such that S is a (Q,F)-martingale

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9mo ago

An equivalent martingale measure is a probability measure under which the discounted asset prices are martingales. It is used to price financial derivatives and is essential in the theory of no-arbitrage pricing in mathematical finance. By changing the probability measure, it provides a new perspective on asset pricing.

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What type martingale is also known the semi-martingale?

The Irish martingale

How many different kinds of martingale are there?

there are two. standing martingale and a running martingale. both used for different reasons.

What is a ring martingale?

a ring martingale is the circle that is atached to the bit

When was Fifi Martingale created?

Fifi Martingale was created in 2001.

What is the duration of Fifi Martingale?

The duration of Fifi Martingale is 2.12 hours.

How do i find expected value in a martingale system?

The expected value of a Martingale system is the last observed value.

How do you use a martingale collar?

Attach the martingale to the girth and around the horse's neck, but don't attach it to the noseband. For a standing martingale, the noseband attachment should reach to the horse's throat latch and halfway up the horse's neck. For a running martingale, the rings should almost reach to the horse's withers

Who invented the Martingale?

Stephen hawking

Can you jump in a Running Martingale My horse is 15hh and I am looking to bye her a martingale to stop her throwing her head up when she jumps?

you defiantly can! a running martingale is fine to use when riding and at competitions. it is a safe way to stop her throwing her head up

What is a raised martingale for horses?

A Martingale is a device used to keep a horse from putting it's head up in the air and avoid bit contact. It is supposed to be used as a training aid but many people rely on them to correct bad riding on their part. A raised Martingale is just how the leather is made with a raised design to it. Western Riders call a Martingale a Tie Down.

Is the martingale a bird?

No, it is a system of betting on roulette.

What is a martingale used for on Howrse?

There are no martingales on Howrse.