There are approximately 14.79 cubic centimeters (cc) in one tablespoon.
"Cc" stands for cubic centimeter, which is a unit of volume measurement commonly used in the metric system. It is equivalent to one milliliter.
For volume or length, respectively.
in the metric system's hospital
No way exists to compare horsepower to cc. The metric equivalent to horsepower is kilowatts. cc is volume. It would compare to fluid ounces in the English system.
ounces is one of them, so it cc or ml if you use the metric system.
There are approximately 14.79 cubic centimeters (cc) in one tablespoon.
"Cc" stands for cubic centimeter, which is a unit of volume measurement commonly used in the metric system. It is equivalent to one milliliter.
A metric teaspoon, yes
its cc
Nothing weighs 1 cc." It doesn't make any sense. A milligram is a metric unit of weight, a cc is a metric unit of volume (1 cc = 1 milliliter). You would need to know the density of material to determine the weight of a 1 cc volume.
Multiply everything by (1 x 100), since the metric system is 'standard' almost everywhere in the world.Note:The same conversion factor is useful for converting 'ml' to 'cc', and 'cycles per second' to 'Hz'.)
1.2 metric tablespoons
8 metric tablespoons
14 metric teaspoons
2.4 metric teaspoons