boomerang its boomerang some people may not know it cause only strong people realy have it like the best ones if you dont know it its the hearts gun i think u saw it before
Meowmere, dropped by the Moon Lord, has the highest base DPS of any melee weapon. Terrarian is the second, and the Terra Blade is the third.
A lobbyist's strongest weapon is often their ability to establish personal relationships with politicians and decision-makers, leveraging these connections to advocate for their interests and influence policy decisions. Lobbyists also use their expertise in navigating the political landscape and understanding complex issues to effectively advocate for their clients.
The strongest weapon of a lobbyist is their ability to influence lawmakers and policymakers through funding political campaigns, providing valuable information, and leveraging personal relationships to advocate for their clients' interests. Lobbyists can also help shape public opinion and media narratives to sway political outcomes in favor of their clients.
The strongest weapon in Aralon: Sword and Shadow is typically the Legendary weapons that are obtained through difficult quests or challenging battles. These weapons often have superior stats and special abilities that make them very powerful in combat.
DD North-East was created in 1992.
Use one energy stone level 4.
The Strongest Weapon is KAMEHAMEHA WAVE its an unrealese weapon XD believe it 1 hit.
Only 1es5 100% its easy to have. Collect 28 medals. Go Boatyard and complete the BY task example Ant Cave Easy. That's it hope you'll get +12 weapon.
the supergun.
a final smash for dd kkong
love you
In Damage, Fenrir is the strongest, but in overall, Ultima Weapon is unbeatable.
A tank is a weapon. A tomahawk is a weapon.