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A factor is a variable which is deliberately varied between trials, in order to study its influence on the outcome. * experimental factors or other conditions may influence the outcome. There are two main types of variables to consider: * ** Treatment factors: When you are especially interested in studying how the outcome varies as a function of these factors. ** Confounders: Other factors or covariates, such as temperature, pH, humidity, drift over time, etc. that may influence the outcome. In the biological or health sciences, age, sex and other characteristics of an individual may be confounders.

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4mo ago

An experimental factor is a variable or condition that is intentionally changed by the researcher in an experiment to observe its effect on the outcome. It is a key element in designing and conducting experiments to determine cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

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13y ago

It is an Value that you could change in your experiment. you can only have one experimental variable per test otherwise your results will not be accurate and the test on the whole will not be fair.

For example, if you were asking how long it takes for an Ice cube to melt. your Experimental varaible could be the size of the ice cube.

Hope it helped. x :)

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13y ago

An experimental variable is what you are experimenting on.

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What is the factor that differs in the control group and the experimental group of the experiment is the?

The factor that differs between the control group and the experimental group in an experiment is the independent variable. This is the variable that is intentionally manipulated or changed by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

What is the analytical importance of the retention factor?

The retention factor is important in chromatography as it is a measure of how strongly a compound interacts with the stationary phase relative to the mobile phase. It helps in predicting the elution time of compounds and understanding their separation in the chromatographic process. By adjusting experimental conditions to manipulate the retention factor, chromatographers can optimize separation of compounds in a sample.

What is a Factor that is deliberately changed in a experiment?

the anwer is a variable( the thng that will change over time in the experiment

What does experimental variable mean?

An experimental variable is the factor being tested or manipulated in a scientific experiment. It is often the independent variable that researchers change to observe its effects on the dependent variable. By controlling the experimental variable, researchers can examine the relationship between different variables and draw conclusions.

How does the experimental mole ratio compare with the theoretical mole ratio?

The experimental mole ratio is obtained from actual experimental data, while the theoretical mole ratio is calculated based on the balanced chemical equation. Comparing the two can reveal discrepancies and provide insight into the accuracy of the experimental results or any potential sources of error in the experiment.

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Why is experimental design a key factor in science inquiry?

The experimental design is always a key factor in the science inquiry. The experimental design shows the methods that lead to the science.

What factor is kept the same between the control and experimental groups is called?

A factor that is kept the same between the control and experimental groups is called

What is cofounding factor in epidemiology?

confounding factor is defined as the hidden or the factor which distorts the the experimental unit since it difficult to control ,but in case of epidemiology , the factor that alawys involve in experimental and observational study , which is emphasized or focused on life.

What factor distinguishes the expermental group from the control group?

The factor that distinguishes the experimental group from the control group is that the experimental group is subjected to the experimental treatment or intervention being studied, while the control group does not receive this treatment and is used as a baseline for comparison.

In an experiment a group that is identical to a control group except for one factor and that is compared with the control group?

That group is called the experimental group, and it is used to test the effect of changing the specific factor that distinguishes it from the control group. By comparing the results of the experimental group with the control group, scientists can determine the impact of that particular factor on the outcome of the experiment.

What is a factor called that makes the experimental group different from the controlled group?

The factor is called the independent variable. This is the variable that is deliberately changed by the experimenter in the experimental group to see its effect on the dependent variable.

The factor being investigated in experiment is called the?

experimental variable by: lambertfelias

What is group in an experiment that is exposed to the factor being tested?

This is known as the experimental group.

What is In an experiment the group that is exposed to the factor being tested?

This is known as the experimental group.

What is the experimental variable for the study of the effects of anxiety on self-esteem be?

The experimental variable would be anxiety levels, as it is the factor that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher to observe its impact on self-esteem.

Group in an experiment that is exposed to the factor being tested?

The group in an experiment that is exposed to the factor being tested is called the experimental group. This group is subjected to the treatment or intervention being studied to observe its effects, while the control group is used as a baseline for comparison. Comparing results between the experimental and control groups helps researchers determine the impact of the factor being tested.

What is the difference between factor and treatment in a experiment?

treatment is a factor in which a researcher will apply to an experimental unit and collect the data from the same. factor is a material used by researcher in an experiment in the field .